In today’s demanding work environment, perseverance is a vital trait for success. Mastering workplace perseverance means maintaining focus, motivation and resilience even in the face of adversity.

This skill is not only essential for personal and business growth but also for fostering a positive and productive workplace culture. To catalyse positive transformation in your life, individuals should seek guidance from knowing they are enough, learn to question each situation with “Does it help?’ and act confident to envision success.

In this article, I will delve into three fundamental codes that can help individuals maintain their determination and never give up. When you’re aiming for a promotion, leading a team through a tough project or striving to improve your daily performance, these codes offer actionable insights and strategies, helping you to feel present and positive, making way for an uplifting life full of resilience and perseverance.

Okay-ness is enough-ness

Trees often guide you to spend time in nature, inviting you to immerse yourself in their Okay-ness, leading to a centered, settling, and calming experience. They help you to see with clarity what it truly is: wonderful, colourful, divinely guided, and full of miracles.

In the workplace, the pursuit of extreme polarities and retreat from contentment spreads the sense of scarcity, fueling fears of insufficient resources – be it food, money, love, comfort, understanding, compassion, or freedom. This mindset leads to minor misunderstandings escalating into arguments, affecting both professional and personal relationships.

What if you connected with the truth that resources are available and defined by external measures of success? You are not defined by the sum of your possessions or the titles that precede your name. Instead, your true value lies in your actions, character and positive impact. This kindness, resilience and integrity you demonstrate at work define your professional identity.

In the workplace, especially during challenging times, it’s vital to connect with your inner resilience. At the heart of all anxiety, worry, or depression lies the seed of lack, a feeling of “not enough”. In these moments, recognise that you have the power to shape your experiences and focus on what you already have in abundance. Start by observing the beauty around you – such as the smile on a colleague’s face, or the small successes in your tasks. This practice helps you step into your magnificence, with grace and gratitude.

Act As If…

In the workplace, adopting a mindset of abundance and positivity is vital. By acting as if you already possess everything you need, you foster resilience, creativity and perseverance. Helping you to overcome challenges, enhance your productivity and build a more fulfilling professional life.

A few ‘Act as if” examples individuals can implement include: Act as if you are as prosperous as you want to be; act as if all your desires are met; act as if you have the Midas touch; whatever you touch turns into gold; act as if every moment of your life is filled with joy; act as if you have all you could want. Act as if you have it all, and tune yourself to the vibrations around you. This is your reality, and it’s what you’ve been waiting for. Know that you already have it all, and receive yourself in your full glory and majestic, miraculous, magical, manifesting magnificence.

When facing hurdles, adopt this mindset. By stepping forward, your non-believer self will automatically step aside. It’s just a matter of walking in your stride and presenting who you are inside to the outside.

Does it Help?  

Overthinking can be a huge worry for many individuals, especially at work and can often leading to unnecessary stress and a decrease in productivity. When faced with overthinking, individuals should consider asking these 6 questions:

Does it help to worry?

Does it help to get angry?

Does it help to get anxious?

Does it help to hate?

Does it help to hurt?

Does it help to take revenge?

If your answer is YES, then do it without hesitation or a moment’s pause. If your answer is NO, then stop immediately and change direction. If your response is “MAYBE,” pause and make a different decision. Then, ask yourself, “Does it help to act out this different choice?”

Using this master question, DOES IT HELP? is a potent method to sift through, interpret, and distinctly select actions that promote both your own and the planet’s well-being. Following your gut instinct is often the right direction, and by maintaining this mindset you can overcome overthinking, stay resilient and never give up.

Ultimately, mastering these three codes of perseverance – does it help? Acting as if… and okay-ness is enough-ness – can significantly enhance your ability to navigate challenges in the workplace, helping you to stay motivated to reach your goals. Not only will implementing these three strategies enhance your well-being but it also creates a positive and productive work environment, helping you and your colleagues thrive.

Mynoo Maryel
Mynoo Maryel
Thought leader & business mentor at Mynoo Maryel | Website

As a best-selling author, visionary thought leader, business mentor, and spiritual confidant, Mynoo Maryel embodies a dedication to enriching lives and restoring dignity on a global scale. Through initiatives like the World Dignity Forum (WDF) and the DignifyLife campaign, she champions causes such as nourishing and nurturing every child, empowering women, and fostering flourishing leadership.