Charlie Sampson

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Charlie Sampson is a multi-award-winning leadership coach, best-selling author and Executive Director of Leadership Development & Consultancy at scarlettabbott. Prior to joining scarlettabbott, Charlie was a long-time collaborator with the consultancy and co-founder of the Business Coaching Academy (BCA). Specialising in high performance leadership through coaching, team interventions, bespoke workshops and accredited coaching programs, he is passionate about empowering leaders to drive behavioural change, creating environments where teams thrive, and strategically shaping workplace culture. Charlie has previously worked with major clients like HSBC and Nando’s, and believes leaders are the ‘fire starters’ of positive change to help improve the world of work.

Charlie Sampson: How to lead by example with wellbeing

If leaders don’t make wellbeing a personal priority, employees won’t buy in - so managers need to build it into their own habits.