In today’s fast-paced work environment, prioritising employee wellbeing is not just a noble endeavour but a critical business strategy. The link between a healthy workforce and organisational success is well-documented, with benefits ranging from increased productivity and engagement to reduced absenteeism and turnover. However, running an effective wellbeing campaign requires more than just good intentions; it demands a structured and comprehensive approach.

This guide outlines the essential steps to develop, implement, and sustain a successful wellbeing campaign within your organisation. Starting with defining clear objectives and goals, we’ll delve into how to understand the specific wellbeing needs of your employees through surveys and focus groups. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (SMART) goals ensures that your campaign is targeted and impactful.

Once your objectives are set, the next step is developing a detailed plan. Choosing a campaign theme that resonates with your employees is crucial. This can be aligned with national or global awareness initiatives such as Stress Awareness Week, adding relevance and leveraging existing resources. Creating a detailed timeline and budget ensures that all activities are well-coordinated and adequately funded.

The formation of a wellbeing committee with diverse representation from different departments and levels within the organisation is another critical step. This committee will oversee the campaign, ensuring that it meets the varied needs of the workforce. Clear roles and responsibilities within the committee facilitate smooth execution and accountability.

Designing engaging activities is at the heart of your wellbeing campaign. Whether it’s workshops on stress management and nutrition, fitness challenges, mental health support sessions, or flexible working options, the activities should be diverse and inclusive. Effective communication is vital throughout the campaign, from the initial launch announcement to regular updates and feedback channels, ensuring that employees remain informed and engaged.

Monitoring and evaluating the campaign is essential to understand its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. This involves tracking participation, collecting feedback, and measuring the campaign’s impact on employee wellbeing through key performance indicators (KPIs) and follow-up surveys. Celebrating successes by recognising participation and sharing positive stories fosters a sense of accomplishment and encourages continued engagement.

Finally, the principle of continuous improvement ensures that wellbeing initiatives become a permanent part of your organisational culture. Regular reviews and adaptations based on feedback, along with sustained efforts and ongoing communication, are crucial for maintaining the momentum and effectiveness of the campaign.

By following these steps, you can create a dynamic and resilient wellbeing program that supports the health and happiness of your employees, ultimately contributing to the overall success of your organisation.


Defining Objectives and Goals for a Successful Wellbeing Campaign

When embarking on a wellbeing campaign within your organisation, the first and most crucial step is defining clear objectives and goals. This foundational stage sets the direction for all subsequent activities and ensures that your efforts are aligned with the actual needs of your employees. Let’s delve into how to effectively identify these needs and set tangible goals.

Identifying Needs

Understanding the specific wellbeing needs of your employees is essential for a targeted and effective campaign. A one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to address the unique challenges faced by different individuals within your organisation. To gain these insights, consider the following methods:

1. Conduct Surveys

Surveys are a practical tool to gather broad insights from your workforce. Design a comprehensive wellbeing survey that covers various aspects such as physical health, mental health, stress levels, and work-life balance. Ensure the survey is anonymous to encourage honest feedback. Questions could include:

  • How often do you feel stressed at work?
  • Do you feel you have a good work-life balance?
  • What wellbeing resources or activities would you find beneficial?

2. Organise Focus Groups

While surveys provide quantitative data, focus groups offer qualitative insights. Gather small groups of employees to discuss their wellbeing experiences and needs. This setting allows for deeper conversations and the opportunity to explore issues that might not emerge in a survey. Ensure a diverse mix of participants to capture a wide range of perspectives.

3. Review Existing Data

Examine existing data such as absence records, employee turnover rates, and previous feedback from performance reviews. Patterns in this data can highlight areas of concern that your wellbeing campaign should address.

4. One-on-One Interviews

For a more personal approach, conduct confidential interviews with employees. This can help uncover specific issues and provide a more in-depth understanding of individual needs.

Setting Clear Goals

Once you have a thorough understanding of your employees’ needs, the next step is to set clear and achievable goals for your wellbeing campaign. These goals will guide your planning and provide a benchmark for measuring success. Consider the following when defining your goals:

1. Align with Identified Needs

Ensure your goals directly address the needs identified through surveys, focus groups, and other research methods. For example, if high stress levels are a common concern, a goal could be to reduce reported stress by 20% over six months.

2. Specific and Measurable

Your goals should be specific and measurable to track progress effectively. Vague goals like “improve employee wellbeing” are hard to quantify. Instead, opt for specific targets such as “increase participation in fitness activities by 30%” or “reduce sick leave due to mental health issues by 15%.”

3. Achievable and Realistic

Set goals that are challenging yet achievable. Overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration and disengagement. Consider the resources and time available when setting your targets.

4. Relevant and Timely

Your goals should be relevant to the current needs and circumstances of your organisation. Additionally, set a clear timeframe for achieving these goals to maintain momentum and focus. For instance, aim to achieve certain milestones within three, six, or twelve months.


Examples of Wellbeing Goals

  • Stress Reduction: Reduce average reported stress levels by 20% within six months.
  • Physical Health: Increase the number of employees participating in the company’s fitness programme by 30% over the next quarter.
  • Mental Health: Provide mental health training for 100% of managers within the next year.
  • Work-Life Balance: Implement flexible working arrangements and achieve a 90% satisfaction rate with these arrangements in employee surveys.

By meticulously identifying the wellbeing needs of your employees and setting clear, actionable goals, you lay a solid foundation for a successful wellbeing campaign. These steps not only ensure that your efforts are purposeful and impactful but also demonstrate your commitment to fostering a healthier and more supportive work environment.


Developing a Plan for Your Wellbeing Campaign

After defining your objectives and goals, the next critical step in running a successful wellbeing campaign is developing a comprehensive plan. This plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding your efforts and ensuring that every aspect of the campaign is well-coordinated and effectively executed. Here’s a detailed look at how to develop a robust plan, including selecting a campaign theme, creating a timeline, and budgeting.


Choosing the Campaign Theme

Selecting a central theme for your wellbeing campaign is crucial as it sets the tone and focus for all activities. The theme should resonate with your employees and address the specific needs identified in your preliminary research. Here are some steps to help you choose an impactful theme:

1. Align with Employee Needs

Based on the data gathered from surveys, focus groups, and other methods, choose a theme that directly addresses the most pressing wellbeing concerns of your employees. For instance, if stress and burnout are significant issues, a campaign focused on mental health and stress management would be highly relevant.

2. Piggyback on National and Global Initiatives

Aligning your campaign with national or global awareness initiatives can enhance its relevance and visibility. For example, you could plan a campaign around **Stress Awareness Week** or **World Mental Health Day**. These established events provide a wealth of resources and ideas, making it easier to design your activities. Additionally, these themes often receive widespread media coverage, which can help boost participation and engagement.

3. Utilise External Resources

A valuable resource for choosing your campaign theme and planning activities is the **Workplace Wellbeing Resource Centre**. This centre offers a comprehensive list of potential campaigns, themes, and resources to support your efforts. Leveraging these resources can save time and ensure that your campaign is grounded in best practices.

4. Involve Employees in the Decision

Consider involving employees in the selection process by conducting a quick poll or seeking input through focus groups. This participatory approach ensures that the theme resonates with the majority and increases the likelihood of active engagement.

Creating a Detailed Timeline

A well-structured timeline is essential for keeping your campaign on track and ensuring that all activities are executed as planned. Here’s how to develop a detailed timeline:

1. Outline Key Activities

List all the activities and events that will be part of your campaign. This might include workshops, seminars, fitness challenges, mental health awareness sessions, and more.

2. Set Milestones

Establish key milestones to track progress. These could be dates for launching the campaign, completing specific activities, or achieving interim goals. Milestones help in maintaining momentum and provide checkpoints to assess progress.

3. Allocate Time for Preparation and Follow-Up

Ensure you allocate sufficient time for the preparation of each activity, including planning, promotion, and logistics. Additionally, schedule follow-up activities to gather feedback and evaluate the success of each event.

4. Be Flexible

While having a detailed timeline is important, it’s equally crucial to remain flexible. Be prepared to adjust your schedule based on feedback and unforeseen circumstances.


Budgeting for the Campaign

Effective budgeting ensures that you have the necessary resources to implement your campaign successfully. Here’s how to allocate your budget:

1. Identify Costs

List all potential expenses, including materials, venue hire, external speakers or trainers, promotional materials, and any incentives or rewards for participation.

2. Prioritise Spending

Based on your goals and the activities planned, prioritise spending on areas that will have the most significant impact. For example, if mental health workshops are a priority, allocate a substantial portion of your budget to securing qualified trainers.

3. Seek Sponsorship and Partnerships

Consider seeking sponsorship or partnerships with local businesses or health organisations. These collaborations can provide additional resources and enhance the credibility of your campaign.

4. Track and Adjust

Monitor your spending throughout the campaign and adjust as necessary. Keeping a close eye on your budget ensures that you can respond to unexpected costs without compromising essential activities.

Example of a Wellbeing Campaign Plan

Theme: Mental Health and Stress Management


  • Week 1: Campaign Kick-off with a keynote session on mental health awareness
  • Week 2-3: Workshops on stress management techniques and mindfulness
  • Week 4: Fitness challenge to promote physical health
  • Week 5: One-on-one sessions with mental health professionals
  • Week 6: Feedback collection and campaign review


  • Workshops and Seminars: £2,000
  • Fitness Challenge: £1,000
  • Promotional Materials: £500
  • Incentives and Rewards: £500
  • Miscellaneous: £500

By carefully selecting a theme, creating a detailed timeline, and budgeting effectively, you lay the groundwork for a successful and impactful wellbeing campaign. These steps ensure that your campaign is well-organised, targeted, and capable of making a real difference in the wellbeing of your employees.


Forming a Wellbeing Committee

The success of a wellbeing campaign hinges on the collective efforts of a dedicated team. Forming a wellbeing committee with diverse representation ensures that the campaign addresses various perspectives and needs within the organisation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to forming an effective wellbeing committee.

Diverse Representation

A diverse committee brings together different viewpoints and experiences, enriching the campaign with a broad range of ideas and solutions. Here’s how to ensure diverse representation:

1. Include Members from Different Departments

Select committee members from various departments to ensure that the campaign addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by different teams. For example, the needs of the sales team might differ significantly from those of the IT department.

2. Involve Employees from Different Levels

Include employees from various levels within the organisation, from entry-level staff to senior management. This approach ensures that the campaign is inclusive and considers the wellbeing needs across the organisational hierarchy.

3. Promote Inclusivity

Strive for inclusivity by ensuring that the committee represents the diverse demographics within your organisation, including different age groups, genders, and cultural backgrounds. This diversity can help in creating a campaign that is relevant and engaging for all employees.

4. Voluntary Participation

Encourage voluntary participation to ensure that committee members are genuinely interested and committed to promoting wellbeing. Volunteers are likely to be more enthusiastic and proactive in their roles.

Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of committee members is crucial for effective planning and execution. Here’s a breakdown of potential roles and their responsibilities:


  1. Committee Chair

– Leadership: The chair provides overall leadership and direction for the committee.

– Coordination: Ensures that all activities are well-coordinated and align with the campaign’s goals.

– Liaison: Acts as the main point of contact between the committee and senior management.


  1. Project Manager

– Planning: Oversees the development of the campaign plan, including setting timelines and milestones.

– Execution: Ensures that all activities are executed according to the plan.

– Monitoring: Tracks progress and adjusts plans as necessary.


  1. Communication Officer

– Promotion: Manages all communication related to the campaign, including emails, newsletters, and posters.

– Engagement: Develops strategies to engage employees and encourage participation.

– Feedback: Collects and analyses feedback from employees to assess the campaign’s impact.


  1. Event Coordinator

– Logistics: Handles the logistics of all events, including booking venues, arranging materials, and coordinating with speakers or trainers.

– Scheduling: Ensures that events are scheduled at convenient times to maximise participation.

– Support: Provides on-the-ground support during events to ensure they run smoothly.


  1. Data Analyst

– Survey Design: Designs and administers surveys to gather data on employee wellbeing.

– Analysis: Analyses survey results and other data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

– Reporting: Prepares reports to share findings with the committee and senior management.


  1. Health and Safety Officer

– Compliance: Ensures that all activities comply with health and safety regulations.

– Risk Management: Identifies potential risks associated with the campaign and develops mitigation strategies.

– Support: Provides guidance on best practices for promoting a safe and healthy workplace.


  1. Wellbeing Ambassadors

– Advocacy: Acts as advocates for the campaign within their respective departments, encouraging participation and providing feedback to the committee.

– Support: Assists in the execution of activities and events, providing additional support as needed.


Establishing the Committee

Once the committee is formed, the following steps will help in establishing a cohesive and effective team:

  1. Kick-off Meeting

Hold an initial meeting to introduce all members, outline the campaign’s objectives, and discuss the roles and responsibilities. This meeting sets the tone for collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page.


  1. Regular Meetings

Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, address any challenges, and plan upcoming activities. Consistent communication helps maintain momentum and ensures that the campaign stays on track.


  1. Training and Resources

Provide committee members with any necessary training and resources to equip them for their roles. This might include workshops on mental health, stress management, or effective communication.

  1. Clear Communication Channels

Establish clear communication channels within the committee and with the wider organisation. This might include email groups, messaging platforms, or regular updates through the company intranet.


  1. Accountability

Set up mechanisms for accountability, such as regular progress reports or performance reviews. This ensures that committee members remain committed to their responsibilities and that the campaign stays focused on its goals.


By forming a diverse and well-structured wellbeing committee with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, you can ensure that your wellbeing campaign is effectively planned, executed, and sustained. This collaborative approach not only enhances the campaign’s impact but also fosters a culture of wellbeing throughout the organisation.


Designing Engaging Activities for Your Wellbeing Campaign

Creating engaging activities is at the heart of a successful wellbeing campaign. These activities should be diverse, inclusive, and tailored to meet the varying needs of your employees. Here’s a detailed guide on how to design and implement a variety of activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


Workshops and Seminars


  1. Stress Management Workshops

  • Content: Focus on techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and time management strategies.
  • Format: Interactive sessions with practical exercises and discussions.
  • Speakers: Invite experts in psychology or stress management to lead the workshops.


  1. Nutrition Seminars

  • Content: Cover topics like balanced diets, healthy eating habits, and meal planning.
  • Format: Include cooking demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and personalised nutrition advice.
  • Speakers: Bring in nutritionists or dietitians to provide professional insights.


  1. Exercise and Fitness Workshops

  • Content: Teach the importance of regular physical activity and provide tips for incorporating exercise into daily routines.
  • Format: Combine theoretical knowledge with practical exercises or sample workouts.
  • Speakers: Engage fitness trainers or physiotherapists to conduct the sessions.

  1. Mental Health Awareness Sessions

  • Content: Discuss common mental health issues, signs and symptoms, and ways to seek help.
  • Format: Interactive discussions, personal stories, and group activities to foster openness.
  • Speakers: Partner with mental health organisations or invite psychologists to lead these sessions.


Fitness Challenges


  1. Step Challenges

  • Goal: Encourage employees to increase their daily step count.
  • Format: Use fitness trackers or mobile apps to log steps and create a leaderboard for some healthy competition.
  • Incentives: Offer prizes for the top performers to motivate participation.


  1. Yoga and Pilates Classes

  • Goal: Promote flexibility, strength, and relaxation.
  • Format: Arrange regular classes, either in-person or online, to accommodate different schedules.
  • Instructors: Hire certified yoga or Pilates instructors to lead the classes.


  1. Fitness Boot Camps

  • Goal: Provide a high-energy workout to improve overall fitness.
  • Format: Organise group workouts that include a mix of cardio, strength training, and endurance exercises.
  • Instructors: Work with fitness trainers who specialise in boot camp-style workouts.


Mental Health Support


  1. Counselling Services

  • Access: Provide confidential counselling services either in-house or through external providers.
  • Promotion: Ensure employees are aware of these services and how to access them.


  1. Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions

  • Goal: Reduce stress and improve focus.
  • Format: Offer regular mindfulness sessions, guided meditation classes, or access to meditation apps.
  • Instructors: Collaborate with mindfulness coaches or meditation experts.


  1. Stress Management Workshops

  • Content: Teach coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and ways to manage work-related stress.
  • Format: Interactive workshops with practical exercises and discussions.
  • Speakers: Invite stress management experts or psychologists.


Flexible Working Options


  1. Flexible Work Hours

  • Goal: Support work-life balance by allowing employees to choose their working hours within a set range.
  • Implementation: Develop clear guidelines on flexible work hours and communicate them effectively to all employees.


  1. Remote Work Opportunities

  • Goal: Provide employees with the option to work from home or other remote locations.
  • Implementation: Ensure employees have the necessary tools and resources to work remotely efficiently.


  1. Compressed Workweeks

  • Goal: Allow employees to work longer hours over fewer days, such as a four-day workweek.
  • Implementation: Establish a pilot program to test the feasibility and gather feedback before full implementation.


Additional Ideas for Engaging Activities


  1. Health and Wellbeing Fairs

  • Goal: Provide a platform for employees to learn about various health and wellbeing resources.
  • Format: Organise a fair with stalls from local health services, wellness product vendors, and interactive demonstrations.


  1. Employee Resource Groups

  • Goal: Create support networks within the organisation.
  • Format: Establish groups focused on different aspects of wellbeing, such as mental health, fitness, or nutrition.


  1. Lunch and Learn Sessions

  • Goal: Combine learning with social interaction during lunch breaks.
  • Format: Host short, informative sessions on various wellbeing topics while employees enjoy their lunch.


  1. Digital Wellbeing Resources

  • Goal: Provide online resources for employees to access at their convenience.
  • Format: Develop a wellbeing portal with articles, videos, webinars, and self-assessment tools.


  1. Social Activities

  • Goal: Foster a sense of community and reduce stress.
  • Format: Organise social events such as team-building activities, hobby clubs, or virtual coffee breaks.


Implementation Tips

  • Promote Participation: Use various communication channels to promote activities and encourage participation. Highlight the benefits of each activity and share success stories.
  • Gather Feedback: Regularly collect feedback from participants to understand what works well and what can be improved.
  • Adjust and Evolve: Be prepared to adapt your activities based on feedback and changing needs. Keep the campaign dynamic and responsive to employee interests.


By designing a diverse range of engaging activities, you can create a comprehensive wellbeing campaign that addresses the holistic needs of your employees. These activities not only promote physical and mental health but also foster a positive and supportive work environment.



Communicating Effectively for a Successful Wellbeing Campaign

Effective communication is essential for the success of your wellbeing campaign. It ensures that employees are aware of the campaign, understand its importance, and are motivated to participate. Here’s a detailed guide on how to communicate effectively at each stage of your campaign.


Launch Announcement


  1. Crafting the Announcement

A well-crafted launch announcement sets the tone for your campaign and generates initial interest. Here’s how to make your announcement impactful:

  • Clarity and Enthusiasm: Clearly articulate the campaign’s goals and express enthusiasm to engage your employees.
  • Details: Include key details such as the campaign theme, start date, and an overview of planned activities.
  • Leadership Endorsement: Incorporate messages from senior leaders to underline the importance of the campaign and demonstrate organisational support.
  • Multi-channel Approach: Use multiple communication channels to reach a broad audience. This includes:
  • Emails: Send a detailed announcement email to all employees.
  • Posters: Place visually appealing posters in common areas such as break rooms, lobbies, and elevators.
  • Intranet Posts: Post the announcement on the company intranet or internal social media platforms.
  • Meetings: Announce the campaign during team meetings or town halls to ensure everyone is informed.


  1. Launch Event

Consider hosting a launch event to kick off the campaign. This could be a short gathering where you introduce the campaign, explain its importance, and outline upcoming activities. Provide refreshments and make it an engaging experience to attract participation.


Regular Updates

Keeping employees informed and engaged throughout the campaign is crucial for sustained participation. Here’s how to maintain regular and effective communication:


  1. Weekly or Bi-weekly Newsletters

Send out regular newsletters highlighting upcoming events, sharing tips related to the campaign theme, and featuring success stories or testimonials from employees. Make the newsletters visually appealing and concise to ensure they are read.


  1. Email Reminders

Send reminder emails a few days before each event or activity. Include key details such as date, time, location, and how to participate. Ensure the emails are friendly and encouraging.


  1. Intranet and Social Media

Utilise the company intranet and internal social media platforms to post updates, share resources, and engage with employees. Create a dedicated section or group for the wellbeing campaign where employees can find all related information easily.


  1. Visual Reminders

Regularly update posters and digital screens around the office with information about upcoming events and highlights from past activities. Use eye-catching graphics to grab attention.


  1. Progress Updates

Share regular updates on the campaign’s progress, such as participation rates, milestones achieved, and feedback received. This transparency helps maintain interest and shows employees that their involvement makes a difference.


Feedback Channels

Creating channels for feedback is essential to understand employee needs and improve the campaign. Here’s how to establish effective feedback mechanisms:


  1. Online Surveys

Conduct periodic online surveys to gather feedback on specific activities and the overall campaign. Ask for suggestions on future events and improvements. Ensure the surveys are easy to complete and provide anonymity to encourage honest feedback.


  1. Suggestion Boxes

Place physical suggestion boxes in common areas where employees can drop in their feedback and ideas. Alternatively, set up a digital suggestion box on the intranet for convenience.


  1. Focus Groups

Organise focus groups at different stages of the campaign to gain deeper insights into employee experiences and gather qualitative feedback. Select a diverse group of participants to ensure a wide range of perspectives.


  1. Feedback Meetings

Include time for feedback in team meetings or dedicate specific sessions to discuss the campaign. Encourage open discussion and take note of all suggestions.


  1. Direct Communication

Encourage employees to reach out directly to committee members with their feedback and ideas. Ensure committee members are approachable and responsive.


Example Communication Plan


Launch Phase

  • Announcement Email: Send a detailed email from the CEO or senior leadership announcing the campaign.
  • Intranet Post: Create a dedicated page on the intranet with all relevant information.
  • Posters and Digital Displays: Put up posters and use digital screens to announce the campaign.
  • Launch Event: Host a kick-off event with presentations and interactive sessions.


Ongoing Communication

  • Weekly Newsletter: Send a newsletter every Monday with updates, upcoming events, and tips.
  • Email Reminders: Send reminders for each event 3 days in advance.
  • Intranet Updates: Regularly update the intranet page with new content and resources.
  • Social Media Engagement: Post updates and engage with employees on internal social media platforms.


Feedback Collection

  • Monthly Survey: Conduct a survey at the end of each month to gather feedback.
  • Suggestion Boxes: Maintain suggestion boxes throughout the campaign.
  • Focus Groups: Hold focus groups midway through and at the end of the campaign.
  • Feedback Meetings: Include feedback sessions in monthly team meetings.


By effectively communicating the launch, maintaining regular updates, and establishing robust feedback channels, you can ensure that your wellbeing campaign is well-received and continuously improved. This approach not only keeps employees informed and engaged but also demonstrates that their input is valued and acted upon.


Monitoring and Evaluating Your Wellbeing Campaign

To ensure the success and continuous improvement of your wellbeing campaign, it is essential to monitor and evaluate its progress. This involves tracking participation, collecting feedback, and measuring the overall impact on employee wellbeing. Here’s how to effectively monitor and evaluate your campaign.


Track Participation

Tracking participation provides valuable insights into the engagement levels and helps identify which activities are most popular among employees. Here’s how to effectively monitor attendance and participation:


  1. Registration and Sign-In

– Pre-Registration: Encourage employees to register for workshops, seminars, and events in advance. This helps in planning and managing resources effectively.

– Sign-In Sheets: Use sign-in sheets or digital check-ins at the beginning of each event to track actual attendance.


  1. Digital Tools

– Online Platforms: Utilise online platforms for virtual events that automatically track participation and engagement metrics.

– Apps and Software: Implement wellness apps or software that can track participation in fitness challenges, mindfulness sessions, and other activities.


  1. Participation Records

– Central Database: Maintain a centralised database to record participation details. This allows for easy analysis and reporting.

– Regular Updates: Regularly update the participation records to ensure accuracy and completeness.


  1. Incentivise Participation

– Rewards: Offer incentives such as certificates, recognition, or small prizes to encourage participation and maintain engagement.

– Competitions: Create friendly competitions with leaderboards to motivate employees to participate in various activities.


Collect Feedback

Regularly gathering feedback is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of the campaign and making necessary adjustments. Here’s how to collect and utilise feedback:


  1. Post-Event Surveys

  • Immediate Feedback: Distribute short surveys immediately after each event to gather participants’ thoughts and experiences while they are still fresh.
  • Survey Tools: Use online survey tools to make it easy for employees to provide feedback quickly.


  1. Focus Groups and Interviews

  • In-Depth Insights: Organise focus groups and one-on-one interviews with a diverse group of employees to gather detailed feedback on the campaign and its activities.
  • Targeted Questions: Ask targeted questions to understand what worked well and what could be improved.


  1. Suggestion Boxes

  • Anonymous Feedback: Place suggestion boxes in common areas or provide a digital equivalent to collect anonymous feedback and suggestions.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review the suggestions and discuss them in committee meetings.


  1. Continuous Feedback Mechanisms

  • Open Channels: Keep communication channels open for continuous feedback. Encourage employees to share their thoughts and experiences at any time.
  • Feedback Portal: Create a dedicated feedback portal on the intranet where employees can submit their feedback and ideas.


Measure Impact

Evaluating the overall impact of the wellbeing campaign on employee wellbeing involves analysing data and key performance indicators (KPIs). Here’s how to measure the impact effectively:


  1. Follow-Up Surveys

  • Pre and Post Campaign: Conduct surveys before and after the campaign to measure changes in employee wellbeing. Compare the results to assess the campaign’s effectiveness.
  • Specific Metrics: Include specific questions related to stress levels, job satisfaction, physical health, and mental wellbeing.


  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Absenteeism: Track changes in absenteeism rates to see if there has been a reduction in sick leave related to stress or health issues.
  • Productivity: Monitor productivity levels and performance metrics to identify any positive changes correlated with the campaign.
  • Employee Turnover: Analyse employee turnover rates to see if there is an improvement in retention as a result of the campaign.


  1. Health Metrics

  • Biometric Screenings: If applicable, use biometric screenings (e.g., blood pressure, BMI) before and after the campaign to measure physical health improvements.
  • Wellbeing Assessments: Conduct comprehensive wellbeing assessments to evaluate overall employee health and wellbeing.


  1. Qualitative Feedback

  • Employee Testimonials: Collect and share testimonials from employees who have benefited from the campaign. This qualitative data provides a personal touch and highlights the campaign’s impact.
  • Case Studies: Develop case studies of departments or teams that have shown significant improvements in wellbeing.


  1. Regular Reporting

– Progress Reports: Create regular progress reports to share with senior management and the wellbeing committee. These reports should highlight participation rates, feedback received, and impact metrics.

– Final Evaluation: At the end of the campaign, prepare a detailed evaluation report summarising all findings, successes, and areas for improvement.


Example Monitoring and Evaluation Plan


Tracking Participation

  • Digital Check-Ins: Implement digital check-ins for all virtual and in-person events.
  • Central Database: Maintain an updated database of participation records.


Collecting Feedback

  • Post-Event Surveys: Distribute online surveys immediately after each event.
  • Focus Groups: Conduct monthly focus groups with a diverse group of employees.
  • Suggestion Boxes: Regularly review suggestions from physical and digital suggestion boxes.


Measuring Impact

  • Pre and Post Surveys: Conduct comprehensive wellbeing surveys before and after the campaign.
  • KPI Analysis: Monitor absenteeism, productivity, and turnover rates.
  • Health Assessments: Use biometric screenings and wellbeing assessments to measure physical health improvements.
  • Qualitative Data: Collect testimonials and develop case studies.


By systematically tracking participation, collecting regular feedback, and measuring the impact of your wellbeing campaign, you can ensure that your efforts are effective and continuously improved. This structured approach not only demonstrates the value of the campaign to stakeholders but also helps in creating a lasting positive impact on employee wellbeing.


Celebrating Success in Your Wellbeing Campaign

Celebrating the successes of your wellbeing campaign is crucial for maintaining momentum, recognising the efforts of participants, and fostering a positive organisational culture. It not only boosts morale but also reinforces the value of the campaign, encouraging ongoing participation and engagement. Here’s how to effectively celebrate success:


Recognise Participation

Acknowledging and rewarding employees who actively participate in the wellbeing campaign is vital for sustaining enthusiasm and commitment. Here are some effective ways to recognise participation:


  1. Public Acknowledgment

  • Awards and Certificates: Present awards or certificates to employees who have shown exceptional commitment to the campaign. This could be during a company meeting or a special event dedicated to celebrating the campaign’s success.
  • Announcements: Recognise participants in company newsletters, intranet posts, and social media platforms. Highlight their contributions and achievements.


  1. Incentives and Rewards

  • Gift Vouchers: Offer gift vouchers or small gifts as a token of appreciation for active participants.
  • Extra Leave Days: Consider granting additional leave days or flexible working hours as a reward for those who have consistently engaged in the campaign activities.
  • Health and Wellness Perks: Provide perks such as gym memberships, wellness retreats, or vouchers for wellness-related services.


  1. Recognition Programs

  • Employee of the Month: Integrate wellbeing participation into existing recognition programs, such as “Employee of the Month,” to highlight those who actively contribute to their own and others’ wellbeing.
  • Team Awards: Recognise entire teams that have collectively participated and supported each other in the campaign activities.


Share Success Stories

Sharing success stories and testimonials helps to build a sense of community and demonstrates the tangible benefits of the wellbeing campaign. Here’s how to effectively share these stories:


  1. Employee Testimonials

  • Interviews: Conduct interviews with employees who have benefited from the campaign. Share their stories in newsletters, on the intranet, or during company meetings.
  • Video Testimonials: Create short video testimonials featuring employees discussing their positive experiences and the impact of the campaign on their wellbeing.


  1. Case Studies

  • Detailed Reports: Develop detailed case studies of departments or individuals who have shown significant improvements in their wellbeing. Highlight the challenges they faced, the activities they participated in, and the outcomes achieved.
  • Presentations: Present these case studies during company meetings or special events to provide a comprehensive view of the campaign’s impact.


  1. Visual Displays

  • Before and After: Create visual displays showing “before and after” scenarios of employees or teams who have benefited from the campaign. Use photos, charts, and graphs to illustrate improvements in health and wellbeing.
  • Story Boards: Set up storyboards or digital displays in common areas showcasing success stories and positive feedback from employees.


  1. Social Media and Intranet

  • Regular Posts: Regularly post success stories and testimonials on the company’s intranet and internal social media platforms. Encourage employees to like, comment, and share these posts to build a sense of community.
  • Feature Articles: Write feature articles about the campaign’s success for the company blog or newsletter, highlighting key achievements and personal stories.


Organise a Celebration Event

Hosting a celebration event at the end of the campaign can be a powerful way to acknowledge participation, share success stories, and reinforce the importance of wellbeing. Here’s how to organise an impactful event:


  1. Event Planning

  • Venue and Date: Choose a suitable venue and date that allows maximum participation. Consider holding the event during work hours to ensure attendance.
  • Agenda: Plan an engaging agenda that includes a mix of presentations, awards, testimonials, and interactive activities.


  1. Highlights of the Campaign

  • Present Achievements: Present an overview of the campaign’s achievements, including participation rates, feedback summaries, and key outcomes.
  • Success Stories: Invite employees to share their success stories and testimonials during the event.


  1. Interactive Activities

  • Workshops and Demonstrations: Include mini-workshops or demonstrations related to wellbeing, such as mindfulness sessions, fitness demonstrations, or healthy cooking classes.
  • Q&A Sessions: Host Q&A sessions with wellbeing experts to address any questions or provide additional guidance.


  1. Networking Opportunities

  • Social Interaction: Provide opportunities for employees to socialise and network, fostering a sense of community and shared commitment to wellbeing.
  • Refreshments: Offer healthy refreshments and snacks to align with the wellbeing theme.


  1. Follow-Up

  • Thank You Messages: Send personalised thank-you messages to all participants and stakeholders after the event. Express appreciation for their involvement and contributions.
  • Post-Event Survey: Conduct a survey to gather feedback on the celebration event and any final thoughts on the wellbeing campaign. Use this feedback to improve future initiatives.


By recognising participation and sharing success stories, you not only celebrate the achievements of your wellbeing campaign but also inspire continued engagement and commitment to a healthy, supportive work environment. This approach helps to sustain the positive impact of the campaign and reinforces the organisation’s dedication to employee wellbeing.


Continuous Improvement in Your Wellbeing Campaign

Ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of your wellbeing campaign requires a commitment to continuous improvement. This involves regularly reviewing outcomes, adapting strategies based on feedback, and embedding wellbeing initiatives into the fabric of your organisation. Here’s how to effectively implement continuous improvement:


Review and Adapt

Regularly reviewing the outcomes of your wellbeing campaign allows you to assess its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. This iterative process ensures that your initiatives remain relevant and impactful. Here’s how to review and adapt your campaign:


  1. Scheduled Reviews

  • Quarterly and Annual Reviews: Conduct thorough reviews of the campaign at regular intervals, such as quarterly and annually. This helps in evaluating progress and making timely adjustments.
  • Mid-Campaign Check-ins: Implement mid-campaign check-ins to ensure that the campaign is on track and to make any immediate corrections.


  1. Data Analysis

  • Participation Metrics: Analyse participation data to identify trends, popular activities, and areas with low engagement. Use this information to adjust the focus of future activities.
  • Feedback Summary: Summarise feedback collected from surveys, suggestion boxes, and focus groups. Identify common themes and areas for improvement.


  1. Outcome Evaluation

  • Compare Objectives: Compare the campaign outcomes against the original objectives and goals. Determine if the desired impact was achieved.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Evaluate KPIs such as reduced absenteeism, improved productivity, and enhanced employee satisfaction. Use these indicators to measure the overall success of the campaign.


  1. Adapt Strategies

  • Flexibility: Be flexible in adapting strategies based on review findings. This may involve modifying existing activities, introducing new initiatives, or discontinuing less effective ones.
  • Pilot Programs: Before rolling out major changes, consider implementing pilot programs to test new ideas on a smaller scale. Gather feedback and refine the approach before a full launch.

  1. Employee Involvement

  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve employees in the review process. Encourage them to provide insights and suggestions for improvement. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of ownership and commitment.


Sustain Efforts

Ensuring that wellbeing initiatives become a continuous effort rather than a one-time campaign is key to fostering a culture of health and wellbeing. Here’s how to sustain your efforts:


  1. Integrate Wellbeing into Organisational Culture

  • Mission and Values: Embed wellbeing into the organisation’s mission and values. Communicate that employee health and wellbeing are core priorities.
  • Leadership Commitment: Ensure ongoing commitment from senior leadership. Leaders should continuously champion and model wellbeing practices.


  1. Establish Ongoing Programs

  • Regular Activities: Schedule regular wellbeing activities throughout the year, such as monthly fitness classes, quarterly mental health workshops, and annual health fairs.
  • Continuous Learning: Provide ongoing training and resources related to wellbeing. This could include access to online courses, wellbeing apps, and regular educational sessions.


  1. Create a Wellbeing Calendar

  • Annual Plan: Develop an annual wellbeing calendar that outlines planned activities, awareness days, and key initiatives. This provides a structured approach to sustaining wellbeing efforts.
  • Diverse Offerings: Ensure the calendar includes a variety of activities that cater to different aspects of wellbeing, such as physical health, mental health, and social connection.


  1. Wellbeing Ambassadors

  • Champion Roles: Appoint wellbeing ambassadors within the organisation. These individuals can help promote wellbeing initiatives, encourage participation, and provide peer support.
  • Ambassador Training: Provide training for wellbeing ambassadors to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to support their peers effectively.


  1. Ongoing Communication

  • Regular Updates: Keep wellbeing at the forefront of organisational communication. Regularly update employees about ongoing initiatives, new resources, and success stories.
  • Interactive Platforms: Use interactive platforms, such as internal social media groups or dedicated intranet sections, to facilitate ongoing engagement and discussion around wellbeing.


  1. Monitor Trends and Innovations

  • Industry Trends: Stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in workplace wellbeing. Regularly update your strategies to incorporate new and effective practices.
  • External Resources: Leverage external resources, such as research studies, expert advice, and best practices from other organisations, to continuously enhance your wellbeing program.


  1. Celebrate Milestones

  • Acknowledgement: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate milestones in your wellbeing journey. This could be annual anniversaries of the campaign, achieving specific goals, or recognising consistent participation.
  • Success Metrics: Share metrics that highlight the positive impact of sustained wellbeing efforts, such as improved employee satisfaction scores or reduced healthcare costs.


Example Continuous Improvement Plan


Review and Adapt

  • Quarterly Reviews: Conduct detailed quarterly reviews of participation, feedback, and KPIs.
  • Annual Summary: Prepare an annual report summarising the campaign’s impact and key learnings.
  • Pilot Programs: Test new initiatives through pilot programs before a full rollout.


Sustain Efforts

  • Integration into Culture: Embed wellbeing into the company’s mission and values, with visible support from leadership.
  • Annual Wellbeing Calendar: Develop and communicate a comprehensive wellbeing calendar with diverse activities.
  • Wellbeing Ambassadors: Train and support a network of wellbeing ambassadors across the organisation.
  • Regular Communication: Maintain regular updates and interactive platforms for ongoing engagement.
  • Industry Trends: Stay updated with the latest wellbeing trends and incorporate new practices.


By committing to continuous improvement and ensuring sustained efforts, you create a dynamic and resilient wellbeing program that can adapt to changing needs and continuously support the health and wellbeing of your employees. This proactive approach not only enhances the effectiveness of your wellbeing campaign but also fosters a lasting culture of wellness within your organisation.



Summary and Conclusion

Implementing a successful wellbeing campaign in your organisation involves a multifaceted approach that begins with clearly defining your objectives and goals. By conducting surveys and focus groups, you can identify the specific wellbeing needs of your employees, ensuring that your campaign is targeted and relevant. Setting SMART goals provides a clear direction and measurable benchmarks for success.


Developing a comprehensive plan is the next step, involving the selection of a resonant theme, creation of a detailed timeline, and allocation of an adequate budget. Leveraging national and global awareness initiatives and utilising resources like the Workplace Wellbeing Resource Centre can enhance your campaign’s effectiveness. A diverse and committed wellbeing committee plays a crucial role in overseeing the campaign, ensuring representation from various departments and levels within the organisation.


Designing engaging activities that cater to different aspects of wellbeing, such as physical health, mental health, and work-life balance, is essential. Regular and effective communication, from the initial launch announcement to ongoing updates and feedback channels, keeps employees informed and motivated.


Monitoring and evaluating the campaign through participation tracking, feedback collection, and impact measurement is vital for continuous improvement. Recognising participation and celebrating successes not only boosts morale but also highlights the positive outcomes of the campaign.


Continuous improvement ensures that wellbeing initiatives become an integral part of your organisational culture. Regular reviews, adaptations based on feedback, and sustained efforts, supported by ongoing communication, help maintain the momentum and effectiveness of your wellbeing program.


In conclusion, a well-planned and executed wellbeing campaign can significantly enhance employee health and happiness, leading to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and higher retention rates. By embedding these initiatives into the core values of your organisation, you foster a supportive and thriving work environment that benefits both employees and the organisation as a whole. Prioritising employee wellbeing is not just a strategic business decision; it is a commitment to creating a healthier, more engaged, and resilient workforce.