Each month we pick one or two information and awareness campaigns to build a Toolkit around.

But there are many such dates, and you may already be planning promotional activities around those that are relevant to your products and services.  To get your imagination flowing, here are some potential campaigns we could feature.

And if you have missed a date this year don’t worry, many campaigns repeat each year so you can still be involved!



  • Dry January: All month
  • UK Sleep Festival: 3rd Jan
  • Blue Monday: 15th Jan
  • National Hug Day: 21st Jan
  • Parent Mental Health Day: Jan 27th
  • Cervical cancer prevention week: Jan 22nd – Jan 28th


  • LQBTQ+ month: all month
  • Time to talk day & Black History Month & Boost your Self-Esteem Month: 1st Feb
  • World Cancer Day: 4th Feb
  • National Sickie Day: 5th Feb
  • Sexual Violence Awareness Week: Feb 5th – Feb 11th
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day: Feb 17th
  • Emotional Health Day: Feb 24th


  • Endometriosis & ovarian cancer awareness Month
  • Employee Appreciation Day & Self Harm awareness: 1st March
  • 100 Miles in March for Mind: 1st March
  • Domestic abuse (no more week): 4th – 10th March
  • International Women’s Day: 8th March


  • Month of Ramadan for Muslims
  • Stress Awareness month
  • Bowel cancer awareness month
  • Active for April
  • Autism acceptance week: 1st April – 7th (2nd is the day)
  • Walk to work day: April 5th
  • World health day: 7th April
  • World Day for Health and Safety at work & International workers Memorial Day: 28th April


  • National Walking Month
  • Maternal mental health awareness week: 1st – 7th May
  • Dying Matters Week: May 8th – May 14th
  • Mental Health Awareness week: 13th – 19th May
  • World Meditation Day: 21st May


  • Gay pride: all month
  • National growing for wellbeing week: 8th – 14th June
  • Men’s health week: 10th – 16th June
  • Loneliness awareness week: 17th – 23rd June
  • Autistic pride day: 18th June
  • World Wellbeing week: 24th – 30th June


  • Disability pride month
  • Alcohol awareness week: 15th July – 21st
  • Talk to us: 21st July
  • World Friendship Day: July 30th


  • Cycle to work day: 8th August
  • Never Give Up day 18th August
  • Grief Awareness Day: 30th August


  • Migraine Awareness week: 1st Sep
  • UK savings week – 9th – 15th Sep
  • World Suicide Prevention Day: 10th Sep
  • National eye health week: 18th – 24th
  • International Week of Happiness at Work: 23rd – 27thth Sep


  • Breast cancer awareness month
  • ADHD Awareness Month
  • Back care awareness week 2nd – 8th Oct
  • Dyslexia Awareness Week: 7th – 13th Oct
  • National Work-Life Week: 7th -11th Oct
  • World Mental Health Day and World Sight Day: 10th Oct


  • Movember
  • Pancreatic cancer awareness month
  • National Stress Awareness Day: 6th Nov
  • International Stress Awareness week: 5th – 9th Nov
  • World Kindness Day: 13th Nov
  • International Men’s day 19th Nov
  • Action against domestic violence: 25th Nov – 10th December


  • World Aids Day: 1st
  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities: 3rd Dec
  • Christmas: Dec 25th
  • New Years 31st Dec