Yesterday was World Health Day – a time in which millions of people across the globe gather to celebrate the environment. New research from employee benefits technology company Zest, finds that workers across the UK are increasingly focused on sustainability and expect their employers to do more – particularly younger generations. 

Half (51%) of employees are keen to see their company invest more in sustainability, rising to 61% of younger workers aged 18-34.

The research from Zest also reveals that over half (53%) would like to see their company investing in more sustainable benefits such as electric vehicles and sustainable pensions, similarly rising to two-thirds (66%) of 18–34-year-olds – and these demands are not going unnoticed.

More than four in ten (44%) businesses report an increase in the number of employees asking for sustainable benefits, and over half (53%) say that they have noticed an increase in the employees who care about sustainability over the last year.

Despite this, employees, particularly younger ones, believe that their company could be doing more.

Although half (50%) of young workers now say that sustainable benefits are the most important perks to them, a third (33%) of this age group believe that their employers do not care about sustainability.

Moreover, the research reveals the worrying impact of this disconnect, particularly as younger generations increasingly enter the workforce.

Two in five (42%) aged 18-34, believe that poor sustainability initiatives have a detrimental impact on their morale at work. This not only leaves existing employees demotivated, but businesses at risk of failing to attract fresh talent.

Matt Russell, CEO of Zest comments:

It’s been a difficult few years for businesses, and the reality is that many – often not by choice – have been forced to put their sustainability initiatives on hold. Yet with the next generation increasingly populating the workforce, many of whom are naturally engaged in sustainability initiatives that will support their future, businesses must adapt to these changing demands.

Matt Russell, CEO of Zest

Adopting employee benefits technology can enable greater personalisation and flexibility of benefits – including more sustainable options. Using data and insights, employers can send targeted communications to employees to accommodate changing demands while ensuring that the right benefits reach the right employees at the right time.

Unfortunately, at present, just 29% of employees believe that their company’s benefits platform supports their individual needs and two in five (39%) employees would like their company to invest in their benefits platform more to increase accessibility.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.