In the UK, April isn’t just about blooming daffodils and the promise of spring; it’s also a pivotal time for professionals considering a pay rise. In a recent survey of 3000 UK employees, 38% say they would never ask for a salary increase, to avoid confrontation or rejection. 

This hesitance to engage in salary discussions not only hampers the opportunity for financial advancement but also significantly impacts employee well-being. Lack of confidence in negotiating pay can lead to feelings of undervaluation and dissatisfaction at work, contributing to a decline in overall job satisfaction and mental health.

CEO of A1SEO, Graham Grieve observes the dynamics of employee growth and remuneration closely, recognising patterns that can benefit those seeking a pay rise. He reveals why April is your strategic window in the UK and how to approach this crucial conversation.

Why April Stands Out in the UK

New Financial Year: In the UK, April marks the beginning of the new financial year. Businesses set new budgets, making it an opportune moment to discuss salary adjustments as departments allocate their annual funds.

Performance Reviews: Many UK organisations conduct annual appraisals in April, aligning with the financial year. This timing allows you to leverage your recent performance evaluation as a foundation for your pay rise request.

Tax Year Transition: With the UK tax year starting on April 6th, companies have a clearer view of their financial performance and the taxation landscape, influencing their ability to award pay rises.

Tips for Navigating Your Pay Rise Request

Preparation is Key

Research industry standards for your role and region to present a well-informed case. Tools like Glassdoor and PayScale can offer valuable insights into comparable salaries.

Showcase Your Value

Compile a list of your achievements, particularly those aligning with the company’s goals. Quantify your contributions wherever possible to underscore your impact.

Understand the Business Context

Demonstrate awareness of the company’s financial health and market position. Tailoring your request to align with the business’s current situation can increase receptivity.

Practise Your Pitch

Articulate your request confidently and clearly. Practice in front of a mirror or with a trusted peer to refine your delivery and anticipate potential questions.

Timing and Tact

While April is ideal, choose a moment when your manager is least likely to be under significant stress. Approach the conversation with a collaborative mindset, aiming for a win-win outcome.

Plan for All Outcomes

Be prepared for any response. If the answer is negative, ask for feedback and potential milestones for future consideration. If the outcome is positive, express gratitude and seek clarity on the next steps.

Graham Grieve, CEO of A1SEO says:

In the UK, April is more than a seasonal transition; it’s a strategic juncture for your career advancement. By aligning your request with the fiscal and performance review cycles, you significantly enhance your chances of a favourable outcome. Remember, a well-planned and thoughtfully timed request is your best ally in achieving the pay rise you deserve.

Graham Grieve, CEO of A1SEO

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website | + posts

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.