42% more new mental health cases in Q1 vs. the rest of the year

Analysis of 2023 referral data highlights that there were 42% more new mental health cases when compared to the average for the rest of the year. This also correlates with 34% more nurse activities to support mental health in Q1, and 30% more courses of therapy being sourced and arranged for mental health conditions.

Anxiety, stress and panic disorders were the conditions needing the most support, followed by general mental health issues, and then depression and mood disorders.

These referrals highlight that although 15 January has the, possibly, dubious accolade of Blue Monday, all three months in Q1 might be blue for some. With debt concerns, poor weather, less daylight, failing New Year’s resolutions, and motivational levels at a low, the entire winter period is a struggle for many and can trigger a deterioration in mental health.

With this in mind, insurers, advisers and employers need to ensure that support is available from clinically trained professionals to safeguard the mental health of individuals. RedArc warns that there is a fine line between seasonal anxiety and stress, and the emergence of a mental health condition. Some individuals will instinctively put self-help mechanisms in place to help them through this period but others may find it hard to cope and need professional support.

Comprehensive mental support is required

RedArc believes that no matter where an insurer, adviser or employer stands on the issue of Blue Monday itself, they have a duty to offer comprehensive mental health support to the many people who look to them for help at this time of year.

To ensure the most appropriate support is offered, it is vital to start any support programme with a clinical assessment from a trained mental health practitioner which will usually include the use of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) and the Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD7) to fully assess the individual and to provide a benchmark for further assessment at a later date.

This assessment will also enable support to be tailored to the individual as personalised support is vital in achieving long-term improvement in mental health conditions. It also means that outcomes can be measured.

Support for specific groups

RedArc also highlights that particular groups may need extra support at this time, including those with additional needs (i.e. people with physical health issues, the neurodiverse) and the vulnerable. Those who support others with mental health conditions are also sometimes more susceptible to mental health deterioration at this time of year too.

Christine Husbands, commercial director, RedArc, commented:

Both the support itself and the communication of that support need to be ramped up during January and beyond. Whilst most people who feel low will improve without external help, it is impossible to single out those who will develop longer term anxiety or depression, so offering comprehensive support to everyone possible is a must.

Christine Husbands, commercial director, RedArc

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website | + posts

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.


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