The standards of healthcare in the UK is on a negative trajectory, with around three-quarters (73%) of UK adults believing that healthcare standards have worsened over the course of their lifetime, and 55% stating that they have worsened significantly.

Whats more, according to a new report published by YuLife, based on research carried out in collaboration with YouGov, over half of UK adults (59%) think the standard of healthcare has worsened over the past 12 months alone.

record number of British adults are out of the workforce due to long-term ill-health, and the NHS is facing mounting challenges, from long waiting lists to doctors’ strikes. YuLife’s latest report explores how these circumstances are impacting the public’s perception of the standard of healthcare they experience.

Reactive Care Over Preventative Care

Just 12% of people think that the healthcare system in the UK prioritises preventative healthcare (trying to take action before health issues and medical conditions occur) over reactive healthcare (only addressing issues and conditions after they occur). 85% of people say that they ‘only’ or ‘usually’ use the healthcare system when they have an issue that needs addressing.

Sammy Rubin, CEO and Founder, YuLife, commented:

Healthcare in the UK needs to adopt a more proactive and preventative mindset in order to rectify many of the issues that affect our physical and mental health, impair our productivity, and damage our society.

Sammy Rubin, CEO and Founder, YuLife

The Employee Experience

An overwhelming majority see a correlation between improved employee health and employees’ performance in the workplace. 81% think that improved physical health would impact employees’ productivity, while 83% say the same for mental health.

Given this evident correlation, it is unsurprising that most people think that employers have a responsibility to support their employees in looking after their mental health (74%) and physical health (59%). However, only 36% of people say that their current employer gives them a great deal or a fair amount of support for their health, while a similar proportion (35%) say they receive little or no support.

Rubin continues:

Employers that invest in their employees’ mental and physical health reap rewards in the form of improved productivity and increased engagement and loyalty – a win-win for individuals, businesses, and society. With advances in technology now enabling businesses to analyse data and track which wellbeing initiatives are most effective for their employees, the time is ripe for every employer – large or small – to make a difference in getting the nation’s health back on track.

Private Health Insurance

The issues facing the NHS have created rising demand for private health insurance, although 84% of people do not have private insurance. Among them, 60% say that the main reason why they don’t have private health insurance is that they cannot afford it, whereas 19% say that they prefer to use the NHS.

Two-thirds (66%) of people who don’t have private health insurance because they can’t afford it would be likely to take out a policy if they could afford one. 22% rank providing private health insurance as one of the most important actions an employer can take to support employees’ health and wellbeing.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website | + posts

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.