survey conducted by portable building specialists Bunkabin found that 22% of UK workers do not know how to make a complaint about their workplace.

The survey of 1,022 respondents also found that while 78% of workers know how to make a complaint, only 16% of respondents had made a workplace complaint. The majority of complaints pertained to the physical condition of workplaces, with a significant number of workers expressing concerns about their environment not being in good repair. Specifically, 18% of respondents’ complaints reported issues with damp, 13% cited poorly fitted windows, and 7% complained about uneven flooring.

Luke Rothwell, Director at Bunkabin, commented:

It is vital to improve communication about complaint procedures to employees. Ensuring that all workers know how to voice their concerns is an essential step in fostering a safe and responsive working environment.

Luke Rothwell, Director at Bunkabin

The lack of knowledge about the complaint procedure among a significant portion of UK workers can have a detrimental impact on their overall well-being and job satisfaction. When employees encounter issues in the workplace but are unaware of how to make a complaint, they may feel helpless, frustrated, and ignored. This lack of knowledge creates a barrier between employees and the necessary channels to voice their concerns, ultimately hindering their ability to seek resolution and improvement.

Without a clear understanding of the complaint procedure, employees may hesitate to raise their issues or may not even recognize that they have the right to do so. This can lead to a buildup of unresolved problems, creating a toxic work environment and eroding employee morale. When employees feel unable to address their concerns, they may experience increased stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction with their jobs. Over time, this can have a significant negative impact on their mental and emotional well-being, potentially leading to burnout or other serious health issues.

Furthermore, the survey’s findings highlight that a substantial number of complaints are related to the physical condition of workplaces. Dampness, poorly-fitted windows, and uneven flooring are not only inconveniences but also potential safety hazards. When these issues go unnoticed or unaddressed due to a lack of awareness about the complaint procedures, employees may be exposed to unsafe working conditions, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Luke Rothwell commented:

The high number of complaints about the physical state of workplaces indicates the need for thorough reviews and timely repairs. These figures are not only indicators of the physical state of many workplaces but also point to potential issues in employee safety and job satisfaction.

In addition to the immediate physical risks, the overall job satisfaction and productivity of employees can be compromised. When employees feel that their concerns are not being heard or addressed, their motivation and engagement in their work may decline. This can result in decreased productivity, lower quality work output, and increased absenteeism.

Luke Rothwell concludes:

The lack of awareness about complaint procedures among a fifth of workers may mean that many other grievances are going unnoticed and unaddressed. This could lead to deteriorating working conditions and dissatisfaction among employees, possibly affecting their overall productivity and well-being. Addressing issues such as damp, poorly-fitted windows, and uneven flooring can significantly enhance the quality of the working environment, contributing to improved employee satisfaction and productivity.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.