New research shows that three out of four people who spend more than 4 hours a day in front of a computer, experience pain in necks, backs, shoulders, elbows, arms, wrists, or fingers. Pain, that is suspected to originate from sedentary work in front of the screen.

The participants in the study are concerned about health in relation to sedentary work, but the majority do not believe that an employer will be prepared to pay to improve the working environment.

Danish Contour Design, which manufactures ergonomic mice, has conducted a study[1] on attitudes in the workplace towards these devices. 80% of respondents, consisting of both men and women aged between 25-55, spend more than 4 hours per working day in front of the computer, with almost 20% over 8 hours.

Investing in future health

Health in relation to sedentary work is of concern and 90% are interested in preventing future health problems. In the UK specifically, 58% of respondents believe an ergonomic mouse would be beneficial to personal health, with 41% stating they are considering buying one. Nearly 85% of all respondents who are using an ergonomic mouse currently are satisfied or highly satisfied.

However, even though an ergonomically centred mouse has a documented effect on the above-mentioned pain scenarios, a third of the respondents indicate, paradoxically enough, that they are not willing to invest in one, even though 60% believe that an ergonomic mouse will be able to help their pain.

Nearly 40% of those surveyed feel they would need to buy an ergonomic mouse themselves and have no expectation that an employer will finance the prevention of any problems. More than 85% responded that they either do not expect the workplace to pay or that they do not feel confident even asking about a financial subsidy at all.

Thomas Ferrold, physical therapist and owner of, commented:

It is now commonly known that it is important to change work positions during the day, when you sit in front of your computer. It is very surprising that only a few respondents have used such a simple and preventive solution as a centred mouse. And perhaps even more surprisingly, that it’s the price that stops them when you consider how much sick leave costs an employer, and how much a stress injury affects the person in their spare time.

Thomas Ferrold, physical therapist and owner of

Leaders should consider the long-term benefits of investing in employee health, such as reduced absenteeism and enhanced job satisfaction. Creating a culture of proactive health management by providing ergonomic resources and encouraging regular movement can contribute to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Additional Considerations for Leaders:

Ergonomic assessments:

Conduct regular ergonomic assessments to identify potential issues in the workplace and provide customised solutions to prevent musculoskeletal problems.

Education and training:

Offer training sessions on the importance of ergonomics and proper workstation setup, ensuring employees understand how to minimise strain and discomfort.

Flexible work policies:

Implement flexible work policies that allow employees to alternate between sitting and standing positions, and encourage regular breaks to reduce the risk of strain injuries.

[1] The survey was prepared by Opeepl, which collected data from 1,256 respondents in Sweden, England, France, Germany, and the USA

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.