UK Google searches for ‘energy saving’ have soared by 223% in the past week, as the cost of utility bills continues to put a strain on businesses. Because of this, companies are coming up with ingenious ways to keep workers warm without having to touch the thermostat. 

John Johnston, head of e-commerce at Workwear Express, has outlined practical tips on how businesses can keep the workplace warm this Winter.

1. Make sure furniture is not blocking your radiators

It may seem obvious to point out, but having any kind of furniture, such as a sofa or chair in front of the radiator will block the flow of heat into the room, causing it to stay cold whilst wasting energy and money.

It’s also worth noting that placing furniture close to a running electric or steam radiator can be hazardous and should be avoided.

2. Make or buy a ‘door snake’ 

A ‘door snake’, also known as a draft excluder, is great for preventing drafts that come through gaps between the door frame and the floor, as well as retaining the heat inside a room.

You can purchase one or even make your own. Simply sew together a couple of sheets or scraps of fabric to make a long, thin cloth sack, and fill it with dried peas or rice. Ideally, something to give it enough weight to stay in place. You should measure the cloth to ensure it matches the width of the door frame.

3. Encourage employees to layer up 

It may seem common sense, but wrapping up warm and wearing plenty of layers is a cost-effective way for employees to regulate their warmth. With temperatures begging to plummet as we enter winter, a warm coat, workwear fleece or jumper, and thermals are a great way to keep toasty.

4. Reduce your thermostat temperature

Turning the thermostat down in your workplace by a few degrees can help save money.

Many of us consider the ideal room temperature to be 21 degrees Celsius, but reducing it by just a few degrees (to 18 degrees Celsius) can make a notable difference to your energy bills and can help decrease your business outgoings.

If you have a condensing boiler, having the temperature turned up too high could impact efficiency.

To ensure your condensing boiler temperature is not too high, you can reduce the temperature of your radiator to 60 degrees Celsius or lower, which will help your boiler run much more efficiently.

5. Insulate your pipework

Purchasing and installing pipe insulation is a quick and easy way to prevent excessive heat loss and help reduce your business energy usage. It also helps prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting during the colder periods.

You can purchase foam tubes from most DIY stores, and place them over your pipes yourself. This will help keep your water heated up longer and prevent any ice blockages.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.