The Zensory, the popular wellbeing and productivity app, has today announced its partnership with healthtech innovation platform, Flux. The partnership offers Flux members discounted access to The Zensory app, with an aim to ease signs of burnout, anxiety, and stress for its community of clinicians. The Zensory are proudly Flux’s first wellbeing partner. 

The partnership aims to help their community of clinicians to reduce feelings of anxiety and burnout, which currently runs rife throughout the NHS. In fact, new research by The Medical Protection Society (MPS) shows that nearly 50% of doctors in the UK have said that their mental health is worse now than during the pandemic, with 47% of doctors expressing concern around the impact of industry-wide burnout on patient safety. Mood-boosting tools like The Zensory aim to reduce this burden on healthcare professionals.

The Zensory’s partnership with Flux offers clinicians the opportunity to access their full in-app sensory toolkit, which includes touchpads, binaural beats, and breathing exercises. The app, which launched in 2021 in response to the mental health crisis that arose out of the Covid-19 pandemic, was informed by industry leading scientists and academics, alongside over 200 research papers. The app provides users with an easy to integrate aid for wellbeing practises.

Josh Burke, Chief Medical Officer at Flux, says:

The wellbeing of our members is paramount to Flux’s mission. Flux’s innovation skills training and the experience our members receive from our paid HealthTech opportunities is designed to encourage them to put these skills to use within the NHS. However, we know that burned out clinicians results in worse outcomes for our patients. At Flux we feel utilising The Zensory app will help our clinicians in their professional lives and are proud to announce this partnership.

Josh Burke, Chief Medical Officer at Flux

The partnership aims to provide a stepping stone into wellbeing for clinicians across the country by focusing on the human side of the healthtech and medical industries. The Zensory aims to provide the tools and techniques for clinicians using the Flux platform to take into their working lives. Flux and The Zensory are connected through a shared vision of innovation via upskilling within communities. The partnership is a force for meaningful change and a commitment to improving the mental health of those who care for us in our most vital times of need.

Jasmine Eskenzi, CEO and Founder of The Zensory, adds:

We’re incredibly proud to be wellbeing partners with Flux. At The Zensory, we want to give back to communities that are the beating heart of our society – and clinicians are just that. Burnout is a huge problem across the healthcare and medical industries and we’re passionate about equipping people with the skills necessary to boost their mental wellbeing – and there’s no greater, or more urgent, cause. This vision aligns perfectly with Flux’s mission to innovate through upskilling and helping realise their potential in the healthtech space.

Jasmine Eskenzi, CEO and Founder of The Zensory

The Zensory is available now on the Flux platform.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.