
UK adults not confident talking to work colleagues affected by pregnancy or baby loss

Most people affected by pregnancy or baby loss returned to work after their loss, but 53% said no one talked to them about what had happened.

During illness, trauma or bereavement, talking to someone outside of family and friends, most valued by 77%

The impact of trauma on our mental health often includes symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can spill over into one's professional environment too.

Safety Shock! 15% increase in construction fatalities in the past year

Fatal incidents in the construction industry are rising! Falling from a height is still the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal incidents in the sector.

Dr Caroline Taylor: Grief Awareness – Seven ways to support employees 

Grief is ubiquitous. It is highly unlikely that you will not be touched by loss following the death of an important other. The likelihood is that you already have.

Work-related deaths and disabilities increasing globally

A new study on global estimates of work-related diseases and occupational injuries has revealed an increase of 26% in work-related deaths from 2011 to 2019.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion