Employee Wellbeing

Flexible Working Policies ‘Could Boost UK Economy by £10 Billion’

It could also facilitate the return of approximately 440,000 mums and dads to the workforce, a survey of working parents suggests.

Paw-sitive Vibes: How Dogs Are Transforming UK Workplaces

Experts say the shift reflects a broader evolution in workplace culture post-pandemic, as companies prioritise employee wellbeing.

UK Employers Sound Alarm: Lack of State Support Hurting Workforce Wellbeing

The majority of employers and employees believe state support for workers' health and wellbeing is insufficient.​

UK Expats Revealed as ‘World’s Loneliest Workers’

Research found that almost half of globally mobile professionals struggle significantly with loneliness and isolation.

Workplace Stress and Performance Pressure on the Rise, Study Finds

Employees across 18 countries are struggling with increasing performance pressure, workplace conflict and deteriorating mental wellbeing.

Firms Urged to Prioritise Employee Wellbeing to Tackle Cybersecurity Burnout

A study found that many cybersecurity workers are stretched too thin, and that the industry’s talent shortage compounds the problem.

Finance Chiefs ‘Buckling Under Stress’ as Talent Shortages and Budget Pressures Mount

Nearly all UK finance leaders work over their contracted hours, with nearly a third working the equivalent of an extra unpaid day per month.

Young Employees ‘Face the Highest Levels of Work-Related Stress and Burnout’

The issue is particularly severe among younger employees in management roles, a new survey of British workers has found.

Phill Bell: Remote vs. Office – the debate that’s holding HR leaders back

A rigid approach to working fails to recognise the complexities of modern workforces and the opportunity to drive business success. 

Charlie Sampson: How to lead by example with wellbeing

If leaders don’t make wellbeing a personal priority, employees won’t buy in - so managers need to build it into their own habits.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion