Parental Leave

New poll indicates voters want reforms to improve parental leave

67% of respondents feel more inclined to vote for candidates or parties that include better parental leave in their manifesto.

Cydnie Maude: How companies can better support the wellbeing of working parents

Whether your employees are seeking flexibility or assistance with nursery expenses, businesses have the potential to do better for working parents.

Sinead Hall: Parental Mental Health Day – how employers can bolster support for working parents

This Parental Mental Health Day, it’s worth taking a look at how you are actively supporting those with parental responsibilities in your business.

How to relieve the pressures on new dads at work

All working parents need support. Expert advice on how employers can support new dads and help make the transition back to work that little bit easier.

UK parental leave – could do better according to World Family Report

The UK has ranked 6th worst for parental leave schemes, according to a new study of 43 countries.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion