
Is Sitting Is the New Smoking? How Poor Posture Affects Productivity

People with better posture are more alert, make decisions faster and have more sustained energy throughout the day.

Ang Brennan: Your perfect recipe to maximise workday productivity and wellbeing

To thrive in today's fast paced work environment, it’s so important to structure days in a way that balances output with wellbeing.

10 leadership tips to boost culture and productivity

According to ONS data, there was a 138% decrease in productivity from Q3 to Q1 2024 in the UK, highlighting a drop in productivity during the Winter period.

Better employee wellbeing could boost productivity by £34 billion

Data confirms the widely held understanding that subjective wellbeing measures are directly correlated with the impact of wellbeing on business productivity.

“4 Day Work Week and Boundaried Work”, Is This The Future For The UK?

This exclusive episode covers how businesses are navigating shifts in productivity, the impact of new legislation, and the possibility of a four-day work week.

Over 1 in 3 UK workers admit to ‘pretend productivity’

The pressure to appear productive may be leading to "pretend productivity", highlighted by recent reports of employees using mouse ‘jigglers’ to simulate working.

Joe Kupusarevic: From the Olympics to the office – high performance strategies for success

Discover the best strategies from the world of sport that can be applied to the workplace to drive high performance and workplace success.

Jeanette Wheeler: Prioritising employee wellbeing by creating an inclusive culture and a productive workforce

If leaders don't take the time to value their people in the right way, they will never realise the true potential of their company. 

Workers lose entire working day each week due to preventable “Productivity Killers”

Common workplace interruptions are wasting UK employees nearly an entire day per week, hindering productivity and profitability, according to new research.

Charlie Coode: Cultural capital – using modern metrics to drive productivity and growth

Leaders who prioritise culture experience a 33% rise in revenue, putting an end to the age-old dichotomy of choosing either profitable expansion or people.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion