Research reveals the extent to which millions of Brits are fuelled by sugar, from as soon as they wake up, with almost six in ten (57 percent) admitting they are “addicted” to sweet foods. On average, sweet-toothed respondents said their first sugar craving hits at 9am, and the last at 8pm.

And the study, by Whole Earth, has revealed a considerable 48 percent of Brits start the day with a high-sugar snack, with four in ten (42 percent) consuming biscuits for breakfast and a quarter (23 percent) tucking into chocolate first thing.

A fifth (22 percent) admit to eating cake or last night’s leftover takeaway (21 percent), while crisps (16 percent), energy drinks (14 percent), sweets (13 percent) and popcorn (five percent) are also on the nation’s morning menus. So, it is no surprise that 93 percent say they have a sweet tooth.

Yet shockingly, 84 percent of those polled have no idea how much sugar is in their favourite foods, with over a half (54 percent) confessing they are unaware how many grams of sugar they should consume a day. A half (47 percent) had no idea what the daily recommended sugar intake is for an adult (30g according to the NHS).

Nutritionist Holly Snowdon who worked with Whole Earth on the study commented,

Starting your day with sugar, even from seemingly healthy options like fruit or granola, can lead to energy crashes and cravings throughout the rest of the day. Instead, opting for low-sugar, high-protein breakfasts like porridge with peanut butter or avocado and eggs on rye will help to maintain stable blood sugar levels and curb mid-morning cravings.

Holly Snowdon, Nutritionist

One in four (24 percent) experience a sugar crash in the afternoon leaving them lethargic, while 18 percent admit that their afternoon sugar crash makes it impossible for them to concentrate at work. Chocolate (56 percent), biscuits (44 percent), ice cream (20 percent), desserts (18 percent), fizzy sweets (15 percent) and jelly sweets (14 percent) are the nation’s go-to high sugar snacks.

Six in ten (68 percent) say they have tried to reduce their sugar intake as part of a balanced diet, with a further fifth (18 percent) trying to consume more protein at breakfast to boost their energy levels and avoid sugar crashes. While one in four (27 percent) wish they could reduce their sugar intake but find it too hard.

Nicola Turner, from Whole Earth, added,

Getting the right nutrition at the start of the day is so important for our health and wellness. A healthier breakfast like porridge topped with fruit and peanut butter, can make all the difference.

Nicola Turner, Whole Earth

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.