April is Stress Awareness Month and this year’s theme is #LittleByLittle, which highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on over-all wellbeing.

When we feel under pressure our bodies release hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in response and we may feel stressed. Everyone feels stressed from time to time and often that’s appropriate to the situation we’re in. We might be running late for an important meeting, trying to find a parking space in a busy car park or feeling stressed in the run-up to a big event. While some amount of stress in some situations is to be expected, prolonged periods of stress can have a negative impact on your health and wellbeing and lead to burnout.

Dr Brenda Connolly, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, said:

Experiencing stress is a normal part of being human. Everyone feels stressed at certain times, particularly if you are feeling under pressure. A healthy amount of stress can help you feel motivated, energised and get things done. However, too much stress, particularly chronic stress can lead to you feeling overwhelmed and become problematic.

Dr Brenda Connolly, Consultant Clinical Psychologist

For this reason, the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust has collated seven effective 10 minute activities to try during Stress Awareness Month.

10-minute stress busters for Stress Awareness Month

  1. Do something creative

When we’re doing something creative we’re using a different part of the brain to where stress is happening. Even if it’s for five minutes, doing something creative can help to relieve feelings of pressure. You could draw, doodle, sew, sing, dance or cook a favourite meal.

  1. Get outside

Being outside in nature is great for our wellbeing. Going for a short walk or sitting in a green space or being in a ‘blue space’ with water has been proven to have an extremely calming effect on how we feel. Why not invite a friend to go for a walk around your local park this weekend?

  1. Move your body

Exercise is a very effective way to combat stress. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins which help us feel good. You don’t have to take up running marathons or go to the gym every day  – any form of exercise you can manage will help. Sports that involve lots of thinking, such as climbing or playing Pickleball, have been shown to be particularly effective as our brain has to concentrate so much on the task at hand we forget our stresses (even if just for a while) and this helps to reduce the stress hormones in our body.

  1. Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is the practice of noticing your emotions and gaining a sense of perspective on them. Mindfulness is a skill we can develop over time, which we can use to deepen our sense of well-being and fulfilment. It involves paying attention to what is occurring in our present moment experience, with an attitude of openness and non-judgemental acceptance. It promotes a way of being that helps us to take better care of ourselves and lead healthier lives.

  1. Write it down

You’d be surprised what a relief it can be to write down what you’re thinking and feeling. You’re not writing with the aim of anyone reading it, just for yourself to get down on paper what you’re feeling. This can be a big stress reliever.

  1. Do something you enjoy

Think of your emotions as a bucket. Daily activities and regular stressors fill up your bucket with water throughout the day. Doing things you enjoy acts like holes in the bucket, letting water trickle out so that your bucket doesn’t overflow. If you don’t do things you enjoy regularly then your bucket is at risk of overflowing, and you may experience extreme stress or burnout. Write a list of things you enjoy doing and try to keep doing as many as possible.

  1. Talk to someone

We all know the saying, “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Speaking to a friend, loved one, colleague or therapist can help you to lighten the load you may be feeling. The person you’re talking to may also be able to help you organise your thoughts, create an action plan, or take some tasks off your plate. If you feel you might need someone to talk to, support is available 24/7. You can find out more via the BeWell ‘Support for your mental health’ leaflet here and you could have a wellbeing conversation with your manager or a trusted colleague.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.