The Best and Worst Industries for Employee Wellbeing Revealed

New research has identified the industries that have the most significant impact on worker wellbeing, with science & technology emerging as the sector where employees report the fewest negative effects on their physical, mental and social health.

At the other end of the scale, those working in arts, entertainment & recreation are the most likely to experience stress, anxiety and disruption to their personal lives due to work.

The findings come from a study conducted by training provider Phoenix Health & Safety that assessed the effect of different industries on employee wellbeing. The research considered factors such as work-related stress, physical health and the extent to which jobs affected workers’ social lives.

Best and Worst Industries for Wellbeing

The study ranked science & technology as the industry least likely to negatively impact workers’ wellbeing. Employees in this sector reported low levels of work-related injuries and the least disruption to their social and family lives, with just 32% saying their job impacted their personal life.

Public administration & defence and agriculture, forestry & fishing were jointly ranked second. Those working in public administration reported low rates of work-related injury, although they were among the most likely to experience work-related ill health. Meanwhile, workers in agriculture were least likely to suffer from work-related ill health and reported low levels of mental health issues due to work, with just 28% experiencing stress or anxiety related to their job.

Full Industry Wellbeing Rankings (Best to worst)

  • Science & technology
  • Public administration & defence
  • Agriculture, forestry & fishing
  • Wholesale, retail & trade
  • Finance & insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Education
  • Administrative & support services
  • Construction
  • Electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply
  • Information & communication
  • Healthcare & social work
  • Accommodation & food services
  • Arts, recreation & entertainment

At the bottom of the list, arts, recreation & entertainment was found to have the most negative impact on worker wellbeing. Over half (56%) of workers in this sector reported experiencing stress and anxiety due to work, while 53% said their job disrupted their social or family life.

The Wider Picture on Workplace Wellbeing

The research also found that across all industries:

  • 43% of employees experience stress or anxiety due to work.
  • 36% report work-related stress affecting their physical health.
  • 28% have sought professional help for work-related stress.
  • 33% have missed important social or family events due to work.
  • 27% say work has caused tension between them and their family or friends.

Protecting Worker Wellbeing

Donna-Marie Kendrick, people manager expert at Phoenix Health & Safety, emphasised the importance of supporting employees in high-stress industries.

“With our jobs taking up such a large portion of our lives, it’s important that our work impacts as little as possible on our overall health and wellbeing,” she said.

“Whilst certain industries may be more likely to infringe on your social life, pose unavoidable physical hazards, or be particularly stressful, it’s important that workers in those careers have the necessary measures in place to prevent these risks from having an oversized impact on their wellbeing.”

Kendrick said employees should have access to resources on mental health, and that they should seek help from their employer if they’re experiencing a high level of stress or anxiety.


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