Headspace Health, the provider of the world’s most comprehensive digital mental health platform, today announced the expansion of its coaching and counselling services for organisations headquartered outside of the U.S.

Starting with the UK this month, Headspace Health now brings together Headspace’s world-class meditation and mindfulness offering with on-demand coaching, counselling and EAP services to provide a single mental health solution that reduces complexity, administrative burden and cost for employers. The company plans to extend these services into additional markets throughout 2023.

A recent UK Corporate Mental Health Benchmark Report by CCLA revealed 93 out of 100 companies assessed acknowledge workplace mental health as an important business issue.

While employee mental health support is an increasing topic of significance on company agendas, more work is required in this area to enact real change. A recent Headspace Health study revealed that one in three British workers feels their employer isn’t doing enough to support their mental health, and over half (63%) admit they missed at least one day of work over a twelve-month period due to stress, anxiety, or other mental health challenges.

The Headspace Health stepped-care approach is designed with an emphasis on prevention, providing employees with the ability to increase or decrease the level of support they need as individual needs change over time.  The end-to-end offering includes:

  • Self-Guided Care: On-demand, self-guided activities through the Headspace app to build proactive skills and enhance everyday well-being. Employees can access more than 1,000 hours of mindfulness content from evidence-based guided meditations, eyes-open exercises like mindful walks and runs, breathing and wind-down exercises, focus music, sleep content and more.
  • Behavioural Health Coaching: Unlimited 24/7 access to a team of highly trained, Headspace Health behavioural health coaches to build coping skills and manage day-to-day stressors related to general wellness, work, family and relationships among others. Coaching is delivered via text with a market-leading response time within two minutes so employees can access the support they need real time.
  • Counselling: High-quality clinical care delivered by video, phone or in person by licensed counsellors trained in a range of clinical specialties and evidence-based treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Employees are able to request a counsellor based on their personal preferences once they reach out for clinical support.
  • EAP Services: In addition to the above framework, a dedicated EAP account specialist can ensure employees have access to support for issues ranging from eldercare and childcare to  financial and legal support.

Russell Glass, CEO of Headspace Health, commented:

We’re creating the mental health solution you’d design if you were creating the system from scratch. People know and love Headspace, so it creates an approachable, engaging front door for individuals who can then access higher levels of care as needs arise. Expanding this complete capability globally today constitutes a major milestone in our journey toward transforming mental healthcare to improve the health and happiness of the world.

Russell Glass, CEO of Headspace Health

Dr. Dana Udall, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer of Headspace Health added:

Having pioneered this integrated offering in the U.S., we are thrilled to deliver a full suite solution to organisations internationally. Of the existing Headspace Health members using our stepped care model, 80% have their needs fully met via coaching and content alone, with an average 4.85/5 satisfaction with our coaches and counsellors. Our studies show that using more cost-effective forms of care in accessible environments delivers similar levels of improvement while reserving capacity at a clinical level for those who truly need it.

Dr. Dana Udall, PhD, Chief Clinical Officer of Headspace Health

To learn more, please contact theteam@headspacehealth.com or join an introductory webinar today by signing up here.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.