employee appreciation

UK Employees Feel Least Appreciated Compared to Global Counterparts

British workers show a strong connection between appreciation and performance, with most saying they work harder when recognised for their efforts.

Emily Miller: How gratitude and recognition can drive real employee wellbeing  

Traditional wellness benefits are proving insufficient to meet the growing needs of a modern workforce. 

Nebel Crowhurst: Summer holidays or workplace hell? How employers can avoid seasonal burnout

As we enter the summer months, the longer days and additional workload can send employees spiralling into a wave of seasonal summer burnout.

Chirag Mehta: How can employers make their employees feel appreciated?

Making your employees and team feel valued and appreciated, and providing feedback is an important aspect to running a successful business.

Do bosses need to duck doing a Donald? 

A new poll, aimed at finding out what employees think of their bosses, found that a whopping 96% of workers don't feel fully appreciated!

Chris Ronald: Steps for building a thriving workplace

With a wealth of tools and resources available to leaders, there's no excuse for not having ambition to create a highly engaged and thriving workplace.

Amrit Sandhar: Show employees how much they matter

With the latest report showing only 10% of UK workers being ‘highly engaged’, it raises the question, how do we show employees how much they’re appreciated?

Andy Perkins: Nurturing talent and driving success in today’s workplace

Actionable steps for SME business leaders to keep in mind to ensure their work culture does not fall short from recognising their workforce’s value and merits.

Deskless workers feel less appreciated compared to desk-based colleagues

Just 43 per cent of U.K. deskless workers admit to feeling seen, valued and appreciated compared to 61 per cent of desk-based corporate employees.

Podcast Release! The Appreciation Equation: Why Valuing Employees is Key

Mark your calendars! Employee Appreciation Day is approaching, but what are the most effective methods to demonstrate your appreciation? Find out today!

Analysis, Advice and Opinion