
James Shillaker: The power of movement – how employers can support a more active workforce

Humans are built to move. Our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, travelling far and...

The health risks of walking pads and desk treadmills 

These devices promise to keep employees moving throughout the day, but like any workplace addition, they come with their pros, cons, and potential health risks.

Hybrid work spurs active commuting, boosting productivity and wellbeing

The widespread adoption of hybrid working has led to a boom in active commuting resulting in improved wellness, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Joanna Hall: Enhancing workplace wellbeing with walking – a guide for leaders

In today's sedentary work culture, where hours are spent sitting behind screens, it's so important to find ways to integrate movement into our daily routines.

Cycle to Work Day – 67% of Brits would cycle to work if employers helped!

On this Cycle to Work Day 2024, a new study has found that 49% of UK consumers are not currently in a position to buy a bike outright.

Cycle to work day! – 1st August

Cycle to Work Day is an annual event celebrated in many countries around the...

Moving more for our mental health!

With so many of us living hectic lives, fitting in time for exercise can often take a back seat, impacting our mental health without us even knowing!

Ultimate exercises to eliminate nicotine cravings 

Discover the ultimate exercises for beating nicotine cravings, allowing you to live a healthier and more active lifestyle.

5 tips for getting more steps in during the working week 

5 top tips on how to make desk work more active, without completely uphauling your working day routine.

Celebrating National Walking Month this May

National Walking Month takes place in May! The campaign aims to encourage people to walk more for their physical and mental well-being.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion