Tag: Health & Safety
Stone Dust Negligence: Workers’ Safety Compromised at Stone Firm
The breaches, which left employees vulnerable to life-threatening health conditions, led to a £20,000 fine for the company and its director.
Read More89% of employers seek better insight into employee wellbeing risks
89% of employers stated it would be valuable to have a better understanding of the health and wellbeing of their employees.
Read MoreMost common health and safety myths debunked!
A lot of myths about health & safety continue to cling on in the public consciousness. Here are five of the most common misconceptions around health & safety debunked.
Read MoreGlobal employers urged to take urgent action on communicable diseases
The Pan American Health Organization has issued an update on Oropouche Fever1, continued MPOX outbreaks, and warnings of a new Covid strain.
Read MoreHalf of the population at risk of panic in a health emergency
Experts have sounded the alarm for workplaces to urgently invest in first aid training, with 49% admitting they would feel panicked during a health emergency.
Read MoreRevealed: The London tube lines with months of bacteria buildup…
With UK meningitis cases nearly doubling to 396 in the past year, including 33 deaths, public concern about bacteria and viruses is growing.
Read MoreSarah Piddington: The holistic approach to workplace safety and why mindfulness matters
A holistic approach to workplace safety recognises that the mind and body are interconnected and that safety extends beyond the absence of physical dangers.
Read MorePaul Sesay: How to support employees during times of racial unrest
During these troubling times, now is the time for employers to step up, step forward, and offer unwavering support to employees who may be struggling.
Read MoreMost common workplace injuries in the UK…
New research has uncovered the most common types of workplace injuries in the UK and which regions experience the highest frequency of reported incidents.
Read MoreThe safest generation? Youth embrace health and safety amid skills gap
Over the last five years, the proportion of students under 25 studying general health and safety courses has increased year-on-year.
Read MoreNatalie Mackenzie: Understanding concussion and brain injury in the workplace
Concussions are surprisingly prevalent in the workplace and can have significant implications for employee productivity, safety, and overall job satisfaction.
Read MoreUN National Day focuses on wellbeing and health at work
Musculoskeletal conditions specifically affect over 14.9 million people in the UK, many of whom have symptoms of pain, stiffness, and limited movement.
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- Hina Belitz: the domestic abuse ‘safe leave’
- Charlie Sampson: How to lead by example with wellbeing
- Chris Jay: Understanding the impact of disability microaggressions
- Dr Mary-Clare Race: Redefining DE&I – It’s all about connection
- Karl Green: The power of adaptable communication in times of transition