Heart Health

Karl Bennett: What to do when employee heart health is impacted by stress

'Work-related stress caused by job strain and an imbalance between efforts applied versus rewards received’ is impacting employees’ heart health.

Workplace health checks targeting heart disease a positive step forward

More than 130,000 workers will be offered health assessments at their workplaces as part of a new initiative aimed at reducing the incidence of heart disease.

Expert advice for improving cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. It accounts for approximately a third of global deaths – that's nearly 20 million people per year.

Heart Health at Work: The Ultimate Guide for Managers

An introduction to hearth health at work plus additional resource links to take your learning further.

Indoor green walls improve immune system of office workers

A study shows that air-circulating indoor green walls can improve the immune system and overall health of office workers.

Denis Kinane: The advantages of preventative healthcare

Economic inactivity due to long-term sickness is at a record high in the UK and the NHS waiting list for treatment has reached over 7million.

Shift workers eating their way to a healthier lifestyle

A recent study has found individuals who change the times at which they eat to a 10-hour window have reduced their “bad” cholesterol, improved their mental health and generally feel better all-round.

World Heart Day – 29th September 2022

This is the perfect day to encourage employees to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy. 

Analysis, Advice and Opinion