
Only half of U.K. employees believe their senior leaders are empathetic

Empathy is viewed as an important leadership trait and yet only 51 per cent of U.K employees believe their senior leaders are empathetic.

Over 1/3 would REJECT job offer if they disliked the companies CEO!

Unsurprisingly, the two most common factors that led to employees distrusting CEOs were leaders having a 'hidden agenda and playing into corporate politics'.

Rebecca Kirk: Nurturing employees through career crossroads

A career crossroads is a place many of us will reach at some point during our working life. It is a place where we are faced with a difficult choice which can be tricky to navigate alone.

Gaby Joyner: How employee experience can help companies through times of global disruption

Global disruption and change: two familiar constants in the modern world. Today’s organisations face a range of challenges that require careful navigation.

When success comes at a price… the dark side of high-paying careers

A new study of top-earning business leaders has revealed more than half of female execs suffer panic attacks and anxiety, and 40% use recreational drugs at least once a week.

Judith Germain: Avoiding the post-summer holiday slump – leaders should prioritise personalised opportunities to engage teams

Five effective ways managers can avoid the post-summer slump by supporting, developing and engaging their team to improve their productivity.

C-Suite leaders set the bar for employee wellbeing

Analysis of UK employee research from Britain’s Healthiest Workplace shows how the C-Suite can lead the way in employee wellbeing to support organisational goals.

Powerful leaders are less lonely

Leaders who feel powerful are likely to reveal more about themselves at work, according to new research from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).

Kate Hesk: Modelling matters – the importance of role model visibility 

Embodying wellbeing into our own leadership styles shouldn’t be considered a privilege. Rather it’s how we shape new possibilities for the future of work, helping us all to become more authentic and more whole in our work.

Creating a Culture of Wellbeing: Nurturing Employee Health and Happiness

In this episode of the Mind, Body, Work Podcast, Joanne Swann speaks with Katie De Bertrand, a Mental Health First Aid instructor and the Training Manager at Oxfordshire Mind. Joanne also speaks with behavioural science expert Jon Davies. Together they talk all things workplace wellbeing, discussing how this term has transformed in recent years, how important it is for employees to feel safe and supported at work, and how leaders can successfully implement wellbeing strategies in their workplace.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion