Men's health

Michelle Robinson Hayes: 6 effective steps to challenge the stigma around men’s mental health at work

While the stigma around mental health has reduced in recent years, men's mental health...

Alex Hind: Movember – Lessons on men’s health and mental resilience in the workplace

A leaky nipple at age 29 was not something I expected, yet, this unusual...


Movember is an annual campaign held every November, dedicated to raising awareness and funds...

10 tips for a healthy prostate

Most people know that a healthy diet has serious heart and gut health benefits – but did you know our daily diet can also benefit your prostate?

Emma Capper: Is your business doing enough to support men’s health and wellbeing?

This Men's Health Week, discover some insights and recommendations for companies to ensure they maintain the health and wellbeing of their male employees.

Men’s Health Week

Men’s Health Week, taking place from June 10th to June 16th, focuses on improving...

Employers need to consider better support for working dads

New research highlights that working dads need greater support in the workplace to successfully juggle all their responsibilities.

Time to Talk Day 2024 – suicide rate 3x higher in men than in women

40% of men do not discuss their thoughts, feelings, and emotions with friends, family, or health professionals. This is an alarming statistic that needs to change.

Employers facing drastic male mental health epidemic among workers

Almost half (48%) of Millennial and Gen Z men claim employers are prioritising productivity over their mental health and well-being, according to new research.

Dr Tet L Yap: Breaking the silence – how can organisation’s support employees with male infertility?

Unfortunately, men’s health issues can be widely overlooked, with topics such as infertility often very difficult for men to talk about, particularly in the workplace.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion