Physical health

Drastic Differences in Workplace Pain: ‘Women and Remote Workers Most Affected’

Employees working from home suffer more frequent pain than those in offices or hybrid roles, research indicates.

David Jørring: Mind the Gap: addressing the wellbeing divide in UK workplaces

The stark reality of workplace wellbeing in 2024 is that your access to health support likely depends heavily on your collar colour.

James Shillaker: The power of movement – how employers can support a more active workforce

Humans are built to move. Our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, travelling far and...

Hybrid work spurs active commuting, boosting productivity and wellbeing

The widespread adoption of hybrid working has led to a boom in active commuting resulting in improved wellness, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Cycle to work day! – 1st August

Cycle to Work Day is an annual event celebrated in many countries around the...

Moving more for our mental health!

With so many of us living hectic lives, fitting in time for exercise can often take a back seat, impacting our mental health without us even knowing!

5 tips for getting more steps in during the working week 

5 top tips on how to make desk work more active, without completely uphauling your working day routine.

Salman Haq: Ergonomic solutions for healthier employees

One key element of physical wellbeing is the advancement of ergonomic adjustments, which plays a pivotal role in preventing workplace injuries.

Peter Grinbergs: The backbone of a healthy workplace – supporting musculoskeletal wellness in your team

An exploration of the importance of MSK support in the workplace, alongside practical tips for establishing an environment conducive to optimal MSK health.

These are the best (and worst) desk positions for your health and back pain

Seemingly innocent desk positions could cause long-lasting problems for your back and neck. But fear not, as there's a guide to help you straighten up!

Analysis, Advice and Opinion