Recent research has found that sick days are currently costing the UK economy £77.5 billion per year, with £45 billion sitting against mental health and wellbeing.

Historically, employee wellbeing plans have focused around health and fitness: gym memberships, fruit bowls and health insurance plans, but slowly companies are starting to realise that mental health and staff happiness is just as important.

Needi, a concierge gift-matching service using psychology and AI to pinpoint gifts that aid the health and wellbeing of workforces, have provided five wellbeing ideas to help keep workforces focused, engaged and productive rather than stressed and worried over “life” problems.

  1. Provide Education

Offer lunch and learn sessions on a variety of topics: mental health, finances, fitness, or simply give your team the chance to grow in their role by earning qualifications to support their personal development.

  1. Offer Flexible Working

9-5 doesn’t work for everyone any more, offering your team the flexibility to work when and where suits them, gives them the opportunity to find that ever important work-life balance.

  1. Provide Wellness Tools

Offer regular lunch time yoga sessions or give everyone a branded water bottle to encourage them to drink more water.

  1. Celebrate your team’s successes

Showing regular appreciation and recognition can boost your team’s morale. Treat them to little gifts, or trips out every now and then to show them how much you appreciate everything they do.

  1. Parent coaching and support

Working and raising a family is hard (we know this first hand)! By offering parent coaching, you can help your team work towards a better work-life balance while improving their family relationships, making them happier all round.


When employers prioritise employee well-being, it creates a positive work culture that fosters trust, respect, and open communication. This can lead to higher employee morale and job satisfaction, as well as increased collaboration and innovation.