
Leaders should encourage employees to cycle to work!

Factors hindering this form of commute include lack of bike storage, limited access to showers at work, and the need for proper gear, among others.

Walk to Work Day

Celebrated annually on April 5th, 'Walk to Work Day' is a campaign which encourages...

Tianne Croshaw: Study finds that doing these two things together is a wellbeing win!

Recent research suggests that combining two specific activities can bring us amplified wellbeing benefits when compared to doing them alone.

Red January challenge responds to ‘movement decline’ of 1.8million adults over Winter

Research has shown a 4% decrease in adult participation in any type of activity during the winter months, resulting in a movement decline of 1.8 million adults.

50% Brits plan to prioritise exercise in 2024 – New Year’s resolutions revealed

To exercise more has been ranked as the most popular New Year's resolution by 50%. However, reports suggest Brits will only last weeks before giving up!

Ben Mercer: Time to get up! Unleashing productivity through exercise

Research from the World Health Organisation has found that a quarter of adults around the world don't get the sufficient levels of physical activity needed to live a healthy lifestyle!

Sarimah Ibrahim: Is martial arts the path to mental and physical workplace wellness?

Learning martial arts offers a multitude of physical and emotional benefits that can significantly enhance your overall well-being and performance in the workplace.

How your workplace culture can help teams prioritise physical wellbeing

With small changes in behaviour having a big impact on health, productivity and absence rates, how can HR teams encourage their people to be more active to enhance their physical wellbeing?

Emily Gardiner: Nature’s influence – how outdoor lunch breaks can inspire innovation

People are too busy to take a break and this has a negative impact on your creative outlet. It is incredible what 20 minutes of fresh air can have on your mindset and on your soul!

Healthy summer morning routines to improve energy levels

Healthy morning routines can significantly help to improve energy levels, support overall gut health and increase levels of serotonin, boosting mood and productivity.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion