
Powerful leaders are less lonely

Leaders who feel powerful are likely to reveal more about themselves at work, according to new research from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).

Working 9 to 5: What a way to make Brits lonely!

As more companies push for the return to office, employers should watch out! Results from new study reveal that full-time office workers are lonelier than home, hybrid and deskless workers.

William Sipling: Remote work and the public health crisis of loneliness

For remote workers, hearing about the dangers of disconnection can raise alarm bells. However, companies can act to prevent this epidemic from negatively affecting their teams.

National Friendship Day – are your employees struggling with loneliness?

According to statistics, around 9 million people in the UK often or always feel lonely, making it an alarming social problem that requires attention and action.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion