Work Life Balance

Work-Life Balance: The Ulitimate Guide for Managers

In introductions for managers to work-life balance in the workplace plus links to additional resources for further research.

Benefits of bringing home-working into the workplace

Bringing the benefits of home-working into the workplace could be key to aiding employee productivity and creativity.

Paul Owen: Extroverts and the office

Extroverts at risk: With Covid cases rising, some firms are re-evaluating their balance between office-based staff and WFH.

Hybrid workers up to no good!

Three quarters of hybrid office workers in the UK (76%) admit to turning off their webcam on video calls to hide what they are doing.

UK parental leave – could do better according to World Family Report

The UK has ranked 6th worst for parental leave schemes, according to a new study of 43 countries.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion