Burnout and stress are important topics when it comes to businesses and working environments. A 2018 poll undertaken by YouGov, with a sample size of 4,619 respondents, showed that 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope.

In light of Stress Awareness Day approaching on November 2nd, Music licensing company PPL PRS have shared their top tips for avoiding burnout.

Take a break

The majority of individuals are now surrounded by the internet and mobile phones with 24/7 access to work emails. Therefore, it has become easy to fall into the trap of feeling unable to switch off when headed home for the day. If this is the case, PPL PRS suggest booking some time off. Travelling and changing up one’s environment is a great way to reset the mind and, once returned back to work, individuals are likely to be filled with new energy.

This January alone, 28% of the accommodation and food service activities industry have reported shortages in workers, as a result, existing staff members could be required to work longer and more unsuitable hours. To boost the morale and wellbeing of employees, introducing additional micro breaks to the work schedule could allow staff time to recuperate and reenergise.

Adopt a fitness regime

PPL PRS give credit to working out as a way to reduce both stress and fatigue whilst simultaneously improving alertness and concentration. This helps employees to go back into their workload with a fresh pair of eyes.

Music has been shown to be a highly beneficial aid to mindset and motivation when exercising. According to Music Therapist Marianne Rizkallah:

The best music to listen to while training is by an artist, or within a genre, that you know and love. Plus, it’s important to choose a tempo that suits your activity. The beat you run to will probably not be the same speed as the beat you lift weights to, so consider switching up your playlists and choose tracks you think you can keep on the beat with.

 Marianne Rizkallah, Music Therapist

Listen to music

Music affects the body in a host of different ways and listening on a daily basis can help promote overall health and wellbeing. research has shown that even heavy metal music can help lower blood pressure (a common cause and symptom of stress).

Listening to music can also lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the human stress hormone, and the higher it is, the more stressed we feel. Research has found that symphonic music can lower cortisol levels, regardless of the listeners music preferences.

Music has a close link to human emotion and can be an effective stress management tool as it allows humans to cool down, be distracted from a challenging situation and encourage us to readdress pressing issues.

Ask for help

Finally, delegating a lengthy task-list is an effective way to offload some stress. Although asking for help is never easy, workers are more likely to complete tasks and find solutions if they are not the only person thinking about the problem.

Making sure that workers stay on top of burnout and recognise the warning signs is important, but it’s not the only way to make working life easier. Finding ways to boost your productivity at work and identifying your particular working style is also helpful for keeping burnout at bay and keeping on top of mental health.

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.