Only two in five (42%) people working in HR said they would recommend their employer to others, according to new research by HR software provider Ciphr.

The survey of 300 HR decision-makers revealed a raft of less-than-positive findings about how they view their role at many UK organisations, with over one in three (37% of respondents) claiming to be overworked most or all the time. Around a quarter (28%) also regularly consider leaving their current positions.

Notably, less than half (48%) say they receive regular or ongoing training and development for their role. Merely a third (34%) are satisfied with their salary, and just one in four (27%) think there are career progression opportunities available to them at their organisation.

And yet, despite the dissatisfaction with certain aspects of their role, the survey also found that most HR professionals do appear to enjoy the important work they do.

When asked how often they found their job fulfilling and engaging during a typical working week, nearly two-thirds (64%) said most or all the time. Another quarter (28%) said their job was fulfilling and engaging some of the time. The remaining one in 11 (9%), however, reported rarely or never being fulfilled or engaged.

Well over half of respondents also said that most (or all) of the time they felt valued and appreciated for their work (56%) and that their skills and experience were being fully utilised (61%).

While the survey didn’t delve into the reasons why people would or wouldn’t recommend their employer, Ciphr’s data shows that their opinions on this are clearly influenced by how valued, fulfilled, trained and well-paid they feel. Work/life balance and workload are also factors.

Among those who said they would recommend their employers to others, 79% felt fulfilled and engaged by their work and 71% felt valued and appreciated for their work all or most of the time.

In stark contrast, only 53% of HR professionals who didn’t say they would recommend their employer to others* reported finding their job fulfilling and engaging all or most of the time. And just 45% of this group felt appreciated for their work all or most of the time. These workers were also less likely to say that they receive regular training for their roles (40% compared to 60%), have a good work/life balance (34% compared to 58%) or be satisfied with their salary (28% compared to 42%).

Other survey findings show that HR professionals who aren’t overworked, and those who are satisfied with their pay, are among the least likely to be planning a job switch. The people who look most likely to leave their current HR job (if they haven’t already) are those who rarely or never feel valued and appreciated for their work.

Share of HR professionals who agree with the following statements about their role and organisation:

  • I receive regular and ongoing training and development for my role: 48% of respondents
  • I have friends at work: 45%
  • I have a good work/life balance: 44%
  • I would recommend my employer to others: 42%
  • The HR team has a good working relationship with the wider business: 39%
  • My organisation fully supports its employees’ mental health and wellbeing: 37%
  • The HR team is well-respected and valued at my organisation: 34%
  • I am satisfied with my salary: 34%
  • The HR team is recognised for its vital role in delivering business success: 32%
  • I have clear objectives and receive meaningful feedback on my work: 30%
  • I have career progression opportunities at my organisation: 27%
  • The HR team has no real authority to enact change at my organisation: 18%

The full results of this survey, including charts showing HR professionals’ views by age and industry in which they work, are available at

Joanne Swann, Content Manager, WorkWellPro
Editor at Workplace Wellbeing Professional | Website | + posts

Joanne is the editor for Workplace Wellbeing Professional and has a keen interest in promoting the safety and wellbeing of the global workforce. After earning a bachelor's degree in English literature and media studies, she taught English in China and Vietnam for two years. Before joining Work Well Pro, Joanne worked as a marketing coordinator for luxury property, where her responsibilities included blog writing, photography, and video creation.