Women’s healthcare company, Organon, to offer Peppy support

Global healthcare company, Organon, which was formed to focus on improving women’s healthcare, has announced that via AXA Health, it will be offering all 600 UK employees and their partners access to support from Peppy including Peppy Menopause, Peppy Fertility, Peppy Women’s Health, Peppy Baby and Peppy Men’s Health.

Organon produces over 60 medicines and other products across a range of areas including reproductive health, heart disease, dermatology, allergies and asthma and delivers these therapies in over 140 markets. In doing so, the company envisages a better and healthier every day for women around the world and recognises that it must live and breathe that vision, starting with its own people.

Having introduced a new menopause and pregnancy-loss policy for employees, the company was seeking to provide an additional layer of support in this area. When Organon understood the breadth of support available from Peppy via AXA Health, it chose to think more broadly in the best interests of all staff.

 Vicky Sands, HR Director, UK, Northern Europe & Israel, Organon said: 

Peppy, together with AXA Health, and Organon are uniquely aligned in our vision, especially around women’s health. We live and breathe the same values, so it was a natural fit to roll out Peppy’s services to all our UK employees and their partners.

While we are driven by delivering women’s health solutions, we aspire to be a company where all employees feel they belong and so our benefits also need to reflect that diversity, equity, and inclusion. By providing the entirety of Peppy’s services we know that we are providing holistic support to all of our employees and their families at every stage of their lives.

 Vicky Sands, HR Director, UK, Northern Europe & Israel, Organon

Offering Peppy’s services to existing AXA Health clients means that the process of launching and onboarding is smooth and seamless, so employees can immediately benefit when seeking support for a health challenge.

 Kathy Abernethy, Chief Nursing Officer and Director of Menopause Services at Peppy said:

It’s brilliant that Organon recognises the value of offering comprehensive gender-specific support to employees and their partners. It’s also an excellent way of supporting recruitment, engagement and retention strategies. The company clearly wants their employees to bring their best selves to the workplace and we look forward to supporting them in doing so.

 Kathy Abernethy, Chief Nursing Officer and Director of Menopause Services at Peppy

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