
Over half would make changes to their diet based on information from social media

The British Nutrition Foundation warns that some of the biggest social media diet trends are not based on sound science, and could even pose health risks.

Caroline Peyton: Don’t ignore your gut – it holds the secret to your wellbeing and workplace performance

The significance of the gut in influencing health cannot be overstated, with a staggering 90% of diseases believed to originate in this intricate system!

Caroline Peyton: How nutrition enhances mental performance for workplace excellence

Simply having some basic nutrition knowledge can impact how you feel throughout a working day because how your brain functions is deeply connected to your nutrition and gut.

Fuelled by sugar – four in ten Brits start the day with a biscuit!

Research reveals the extent to which millions of Brits are fuelled by sugar, from as soon as they wake up, with 57 percent admitting they are “addicted” to sweet foods.

Steps to reinvent your relationship with food

What you choose to eat has the power to transform your health from the inside, out. It can help support your physical health, mental wellbeing and can even affect your emotional state.

Businesses must urgently rethink office treats to fight UK obesity

The Food Standards Agency claimed that bringing cake into the office should be viewed the same way as passive smoking! Employers need to think carefully about supporting employee health.

Suzy Glaskie: Taming the blood sugar rollercoaster at work

Do you regularly hit an energy wall in your workday when you can’t think straight and struggle to function? If that sounds familiar, then you are probably riding a blood sugar rollercoaster.

Fuelled for excellence – debunking nutrition myths for a thriving workplace

With workplace well-being and online workouts gaining increasing interest, it has become important to discern between factual information and nutrition myths to achieve the best outcomes.

Healthy summer morning routines to improve energy levels

Healthy morning routines can significantly help to improve energy levels, support overall gut health and increase levels of serotonin, boosting mood and productivity.

How to stay hydrated throughout the work day

Despite being well aware of its importance, many of us often struggle to consume an adequate amount of water to stay hydrated, especially during busy workdays.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion