Physical health

How to stay hydrated throughout the work day

Despite being well aware of its importance, many of us often struggle to consume an adequate amount of water to stay hydrated, especially during busy workdays.

Cycling to work encourages greener commuting choices

Encouraging employees to cycle to work not only demonstrates a company’s dedication to the environment but also boosts their reputation.

The value of exercise: feeling good physically and mentally

Exercise is not just about losing weight or building muscle; it is a powerful tool that contributes to feeling good both physically and mentally.

It’s official – sea air is good for you!

The Top 10 family coastal walks in England! Studies show that just breathing in sea air helps the brain and body produce the chemicals you need to keep you balanced, well, and healthy.

Nudging techniques offer solution to UK’s rising obesity rates

Businesses are urged to proactively address statistics which show that two in three UK adults are now overweight or obese – and the science of nudging could be the secret to making it happen.

Victoria Davidson: Physical wellbeing challenges across generations – integrating them into your program

Analysis of over 7,000 employees takes a deeper dive into the age-related factors that employers need to consider when it comes to identifying and addressing physical wellbeing issues in the workplace.

Diksha Sharma: The power of wellness initiatives (National Walking Month!)

Research has consistently proven that by prioritising wellness and creating wellness initiatives for employees to engage in healthy behaviours, companies can foster a culture of health and positivity that benefits everyone.

Stress is affecting employees’ eye health and vision!

Some of the physical manifestations of stress can include hair loss, skin changes, headaches, issues with menstrual cycles and trouble with our eye health and vision.

You’ll never walk alone – Hiking communities receive mental health first aid training

Over 20 community leaders from young, diverse outdoors communities are receiving mental health first aid training as a means to join the dots between the power of community, nature and mental health.

Workplace nutrition interventions boost productivity

Workplace nutrition interventions are documented to improve health outcomes in most areas of health including depression, fatigue & anxiety.

Analysis, Advice and Opinion